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Quarterly Meetings

Kent & Essex IFCA meet on a quarterly basis, and these meetings are held in public. The agenda for the meetings and the minutes of the meetings will be published on this website. We will publish the date and location of our public meetings and the associated papers in a timely manner. From 30 January 2018 we will provide the decisions made by IFCA Members at their meeting next to the relevant agenda item. The following dates have been agreed by members for the Kent & Essex IFCA Quarterly meetings:

10.00am, 17 September 2024 - Gravesham Council offices
10.00am, 26 November 2024 - Chelmsford Council offices
10.00am, 28 January 2025 - Chelmsford Council offices


Should a member of the public wish to speak to the Authority Members on any item that is being discussed at a meeting then you should email or phone the office on 01843 585310 to let us know you would like to do so.

We would need at least 48 hours’ notice and would ask you to tell us which agenda item you wish to speak about and what your concern/interest is. We will then ask the Chairman to confirm his approval and contact you to let you know where to go and an approximate time you would be heard.

Meeting Papers & Agenda:

17 September 2024

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Council offices, on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.           Declaration of Members’ interests   

2.           Minutes of 22 May 2024


1.    Revenue budget monitoring (S Martin, KCC)  Appendix1a

2.    2024 licenced cockle fishery management update (D Bailey)

3.    TECFO 24 Regulating Order update confirming number of licences & update (D Bailey)

4.    2024 permit cockle fishery management update (D Bailey)

5.    Manila clam fishery trial update (W Wright)  Appendix 1

6.    AIFCA – skills audit feedback (W Wright)

7.    Stock and species changes in the District (W Wright)

8.    New vessel update (D Bailey)


 Officer Quarterly Reports:

 C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)         C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MN)

 C3 – Essex Vessel report (COL)                  C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

 C5 – Recreational Angling report (DD)        C6 – Enforcement report (HH)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act

E1. Staff matters

E2. Notes of Manila Clam Trial Application Panel Meeting 



22 May 2024

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Council offices, on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                

1.            Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman  

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests        

3.            Minutes of 22 March 2024


1.            2023/24 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report, Annual Return and Internal Audit report (S Martin)      Appendix 1   Appendix 2     AppendixAppendix 4

2.            Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 (S Martin)  

3.            Making of Bottom towed gear byelaw (D Bailey)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2     Appendix 3

4.            TECFO 1994 stock surveys (D Bailey)  

5.            Cockle TECFO 1994 Licenced Fishery Management (D Bailey)

6.            TECFO 24 update (W Wright)

7.            Permit Cockle Fishery management (D Bailey)  

8.            Manila Clam fishery update (W Wright)

9.            Procurement of new cabin RIB (D Bailey)

10.         Health & Safety Annual Review 2023/24 (D Bailey)  

11.         Terms of reference and Standing Orders (J Cook)  

12.         Approval of the Annual Plan 2024/25 (D Bailey)  


                Officer Quarterly Reports:

                C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EW)      C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MN)

                C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                  C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

                C5 – Sea Angling report (EW)                    C6 – Enforcement report (HH)  





22 March 2024

NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinary meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Council Chamber, Chelmsford City Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 22 March 2024 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                                                                

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests        

2.            Minutes of 30 January 2024



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

Presentation on process for procurement and explanation of tender evaluation (D Bailey)



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

1.            Procurement of new Cabin RIB (D Bailey)

2.             Marine Protected Area update (K Stuart)   

3.            Small scale manila clam trial outline (W Wright)

4.            Standing Orders (W Wright)



30 January 2024

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Council Chamber, Chelmsford City Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 30 January 2024 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                                                    

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests            

2.            Minutes of 21 November 2023


1.            Revenue Budget monitoring 2023/2024 (S Martin)   Appendix 1

2.            Draft Budget 2024/2025 (S Martin)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2

3.            Whelk Permit Byelaw update (W Wright/P Haupt)

4.             Management of BCRC MCZ native oyster fishery (P Haupt)

Verbal update on fishing opportunities in the Thames – W Wright

5.            Update on procurement process for new Cabin RIB

6.            Draft Annual Plan 2024/2025 (W Wright)   Draft Annual Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)      C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (CoL)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                     C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (EW)                       C6 – Enforcement report (HH)     


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act

E1. Staff matters


21 November 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Tuesday 21 November 2023 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Declaration of Members’ interests            

2.            Minutes of 12 September 2023


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Revenue Budget monitoring 2023/24 (S Martin)  Appendix 1

2.            2023 cockle fishery management (D Bailey)

Cockle fishery T24 update (verbal update by Antony Ovens (Defra))

3.            TECFO licences for 2024 fishery ( D Bailey)   

4.            Procurement of a new Cabin RIB (D Bailey)   Appendix 1    Appendix 2    Appendix 3    Appendix 4

5.            KEIFCA vessel management (D Bailey)   Appendix 1     Appendix 2

Presentation Marie Canny – update on South East marine plan

6.            Marine Protected Area update  (K Stuart)

7.            Whelk mortality issue update (P Haupt)

8.            Fisheries Management Plans update (W Wright)    Appendix 1

Presentation Tim Smith – cockle FMP update

9.            Annual Report (D Bailey)   draft Annual Report 22/23

10.         Meeting dates 2024/25 (D O’Shea)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)       C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AL)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Recreational Angling report (DD)       C6 – Enforcement report (HH)                              



3 November 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a TECHNICAL PANEL meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Cobham Suite, Inn on the Lake, Shorne DA12 3HB on Friday 3 November 2023 commencing at 10.00am to transact the following business:


A1.         Declaration of Members’ interests            


•              Background – introductory presentation outlining the key issues.

•              Consider the need for a replacement vessel for Vigilant.


•              Discuss the options open to the Authority in relation to long term strategic planning for its sea going assets.


•              Consider the risks and outcomes of marine insurance remaining at the value of the vessel when purchased rather than at the cost of replacement of that vessel.


12 September 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Tuesday 12 September 2023 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Declaration of Members’ interests            

2.            Minutes of 25 May 2023 and 14 July 2023


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Revenue budget monitoring (S Martin, KCC)  Appendix 1

2.            2023 cockle fishery management update (D Bailey)

3.            Vessel management – new build & insurance (D Bailey)

DP World presentation – Thomas Coulter

4.            Workshop - Fishery Management Plans (W Wright)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)       C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AL)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (COL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Recreational Angling report (DD)     C6 – Enforcement report (HH)                                     


14 July 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 14 July 2023 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS    

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests            



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

2.            Minutes of 7 March 2023

E1.          Addressing the single licence requirement, the transitional period and how they affect the current companies which are issued with two licences (W Wright)

Members will reconvene at midday or on the rising of the previous meeting, whichever is later, in order to transact the following business


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


Minutes of 7 March 2023 - public

1.            Cockle fishery review Consultation 4 – indicative legal wording and draft management plan (W Wright)   


25 May 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Council offices, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Thursday 25 May 2023 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                                                              

1.            Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman  

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests            

3.            Minutes of 26 January 2023


1.            2022/23 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report, Annual Return and Internal Audit report (S Martin)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2   Appendix 3   Appendix 4       Appendix 5

2.            Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 (S Martin)  

3.            Cockle TECFO licensed fishery management (D Bailey)  

4.            Permit Cockle Fishery management (D Bailey)  

5.            Whelk Mortality issues– North Kent coast (P Haupt)

6.            MPA update (P Haupt)

7.            Update on progress in developing Fisheries Management Plans (W Wright)

8.            Health & Safety Annual Review 2022/23 (D Bailey)  

9.            Terms of reference and Standing Orders (J Cook)  

10.         Approval of the Annual Plan 2023/24 (D Bailey)  


Officer Quarterly Reports:

  C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)       C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AH)

  C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                     C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

  C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                       C6 – Enforcement report (HH)     



7 March 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                              

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests           



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

2.            Minutes of 29 and 30 November 2022

3.            Legal advice


Members will reconvene at 12.30pm or on the rising of the previous meeting, whichever is later, in order to transact the following business


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Running Consultation 3 and sequencing of Authority meeting papers

Part One – Terms and conditions of issuing a licence in the new regulating order

2.            Terms and conditions of the licence: What entity should a licence be issued to?  

3.            Terms and conditions of the licence: One licence per applicant

4.            Terms and conditions of the licence: Should a licence be transferred with a change in ownership of a company or return to KEIFCA?

5.             Proposed transitional arrangements for current TECFO licence holders

Part Two – The licence application process

6.            The licence application process and the questions and structure of the application form

7.             The scoring and weighting of the questions in the application form

Part Three – Process and management detail

8.              Agreeing the number of licences to issue in the first 7-year cycle

9.              Boundaries of the Regulating Order

10.            Review of the feedback on the day to day running of the cockle fishery and recommendations for Consultation 4.


26 January 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill St, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Thursday 26 January 2023 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                    

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests          Mr Turner declared a personal interest as a member of ROFF 

2.            Minutes of 22 November 2022

               Members agreed the minutes


1.            Revenue Budget monitoring 2022/2023 (S Martin)   Appendix 1

               Members approved the underspend of £28,364

2.            Draft Budget 2023/2024 (S Martin)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2

               Members discussed the requirements for an increase in the levy taking into account the existing burdens on the Local Authorities. Members approved an increase in                 the levy of 3%

3.            Whelk Permit Byelaw update (D Bailey)

               Members were made aware of the concerns of fishers regarding issues with mortality in the Whitstable and surrounding fishing areas and the steps taken to                             investigate the causes of this. Members agreed the continuing management measures of:

               Pots – 300 for category 1 permits and 10 for category 2 permits

               Riddle – 25mm spacing between bars

               Escape holes – 10 @ 25mm per pot 

4.            Update on progress in developing Fisheries Management Plans (W Wright)  Appendix 1

               Members were updated on the work that KEIFCA and other IFCAs were contributing to FMPs as well as details of the funding that DEFRA was providing to assist in                   this engagement. Members agreed a contribution to Fish Local to promote and classify Silver Shore Herring and a national workshop for 2 to 3 Members from each                 IFCA to discuss and provide feedback on the Crab & Lobster FMP and Whelk FMP.

Presentation  - Fish Local (Jesse Seaward - Band Agency)

5.            Strategic Evidence Plan Review (P Haupt)  Appendix 1

               Members noted the requirement for a new 5 year Strategic Evidence Plan and discussed the research priorities for this period

Presentation IFCA engagement in the marine Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment (Simon Pengelly - AIFCA )

6.            Draft Annual Plan 2023/2024 (W Wright)   

              Member were invited to provide comment on the draft Annual Plan direct to the CFO


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)     C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AH)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (RW)                      C6 – Enforcement report (HH)                                                        


The Vice Chairman addressed Members over concerns brought to him by Industry over the discharges by Southern Water into the sea. Industry were seeing changes in the estuaries with cockles, whelks and fish stocks affected. The IFCA were requested to carry out water quality sample checks. IFCA agreed to look at the data that was already available and ask Southern Water and the EA to attend the next meeting

29 and 30 November 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Gold Room, Orsett Hall Hotel, Orsett, Grays, Essex on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th November 2022 at 10.30am to transact the following business:

A.           AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                                  

1.            Apologies

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests   



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


1.  Introduction to key questions concerning the ‘ownership’ of licences (including should licences be issued to an individual or to a company)
2.  Review of the criteria, the weighing of the criteria and the application process.
3.  Evaluation of industry proposals from the pre-consultation phase. 
4.  Options to include in Consultation 3 document.


22 November 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 22 November 2022 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS    

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests           

2.            Minutes of 26 May 2022 and 19 October 2022 



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

1.            Legal advice (W Wright)


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


2.            Cockle fishery review; pre consultation 3 engagement (W Wright)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2 - please go to

 3.           Revenue Budget monitoring 2022/23 (S Martin)  Appendix 1

4.            2022 cockle fishery management (D Bailey)

5.            Update on native oyster research in Kent and Essex (P Haupt)

Fishery Management Plan progress and future development – Jon Davies, Defra

6.            River Roach Oyster Fishery Order 2013 (D Bailey)

7.            MPA update: Sabellaria survey and management for Goodwin Sands MCZ (P Haupt)

8.            Annual report – (D Bailey)    Appendix 1

9.            Representation on the Crouch Harbour Authority (W Wright)

10.          Meeting dates 2023/24 (D O’Shea)   


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)     C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AL)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                  C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Recreational Angling report (DD)     C6 – Enforcement report (HH)                                  





That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act

E1. Staff matters

E2.  Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaw


19 October 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Wednesday 19 October 2022 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Declaration of Members’ interests           Mr Turner declared a personal interest as a member of ROFF, Mr Nichols declared a personal interest as Chairman of TFA, Mrs Gilson had prior to the meeting declared a pecuniary prejudicial interest and did not attend



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

2.            Minutes of 14 June 2022 and 6 and 7 July 2022

Members agreed the minutes

3.            Legal advice


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.                   Running Consultation 2 and plans for Consultation 3

Members approved the actions taken by officers to engage stakeholders in Consultation 2 and approved the process and actions officers were planning to take to engage stakeholders in Consultation 3

2.                   Agreeing the final framework option    Appendix 1    SAGB letter   TEFA letter     NE letter    Appendix 2

Members approved the inclusion of the TEFA proposal as an option to be included in the voting process.

Members voted off the options of New Haiti, New Jamaica, New Bermuda 7, New Bermuda 28 and New Bermuda TEFA.  New Jamaica was the option that was the preferred option and Members approved this option for progression to the technical detail phase and subsequent consultation

3.                   Update on Consultation for 2023 cockle permit fishery

Members approved the following:

      i.        Open the permit fishery for the category 2 permit holders four weeks before opening the fishery for the category 1 permit holders;

     ii.        Keep two categories of permit (category 1 and category 2 permits) in 2023 ;

    iii.        The outcomes of the permit fishery consultation concerning tonnage per category should be discussed as part of the general 2023 cockle permit management discussion to take place after the April/May stock surveys; and

   iv.        Defer the decision whether TECFO licensed vessels should fish outside the TECFO and in the 2023 cockle permit fishery until May 2023.


Letter 1    Letter 2    Letter 3    Letter 4    Letter 5    Letter 6    Letter 7    Letter 8

6 and 7 July 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Gold Room, Orsett Hall Hotel, Orsett, Grays, Essex on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July 2022 at 10.30am to transact the following business:

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                                                               

1.            Apologies

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests        



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


1.            Explore the different methods, systems or criteria that the IFCA might use to manage, limit or control access to a specific management area.


14 June 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 10am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.            Declaration of Members’ interests    

Mr Turner declared a personal interest in the cockle fishery as a member of ROFF

Mr Wexham declared a personal interest as a member of the Leigh Port Partnership Board

Prior to the meeting Mrs Gilson had declared a disclosable pecuniary interest and would therefore not be attending the meeting




That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

2.            Minutes of 15 and 16 March 2022 - Members agreed the minutes


1.               Summary and evaluation of Consultation 1 options to include legal advice – verbal presentation              


Members will reconvene at 1pm or on the rising of the previous meeting, whichever is later, in order to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

B.                            MATTERS FOR DECISION

2.            Consultation 1 summary         Members approved the actions taken by the IFCA and noted the report

3.            Agreeing a final vision statement and evaluation criteria to use in the process of developing future cockle fishery management   

Members voted to use the vision statement 2 within the report (as amended) as follows:

“KEIFCA will seek to maintain both sustainable cockle fisheries in the KEIFCA district as well as the wider ecosystem it relies on; through this, support a viable local cockle industry, recognising its important long-term contribution to coastal communities, and providing skilled employment.”

Members approved the continuing use of the evaluation criteria

4.            Small-scale trial feedback and 2022 Permitted Cockle Fishery Management   

Due to insufficient interest in running a small scale trial in 2022, Members agreed to open the 2022 Permit Fishery, but to use mechanisms within the current Byelaw to allow for smaller quantities to be landed. 

Members voted as follows:

i.     amending the current Cockle Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw as described in the report:

ii.    opening the 2022 cockle fishery rather than running a small-scale trial as outlined in Consultation 1; and

iii.    including in consultation 2 a request for views and opinions on the future development of running the fishery

In respect of management measures, Members voted as follows:

i.    The provision contained within the byelaw to reduce the permitted landing tonnage by half would be implemented for the 2022 fishery;

ii.   The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) would be set at 420 tonnes which based upon the number of permits being applied for being 26, results in, for category 1 permits, 3 trips per vessel of a maximum volume of 6.8m3, and for the category 2 permit, 6 trips of 1.75m3;

iii.   All areas other than Area 7 would be closed; and

iv.   The fishery would open on Sunday 9th October 2022 for category 2 permit holders and on Monday 10th October 2022 for category 1 permit holders and would close on Friday 14th October. Fishing will be permitted between 0900 on the Sunday until 1200 on the Friday for category 2 permit holders and between 0900 on the Monday until 1200 on the Friday for category 1 permit holders

5.            Framework options to take through to Consultation 2     Results of Consultation 1 – Management Options

Members considered the report and submissions from fishermen present. Members agreed the following:


Members APPROVED the recommendation to carry forward suction dredge and small scale framework options and to discard CAYMAN and CAYMAN 28


Part 1

Members APPROVED the recommendation to take NEW JAMAICA and NEW HAITI framework options to the Consultation 2 stage

Part 2

Members voted as follows:

To take forward NEW BERMUDA framework option to Consultation 2 – 7 Members 

To take forward NEW ARUBA framework option to Consultation 2 – 0 Members 

To take forward ARUBA + CAYMAN framework option to Consultation 2 – 0 Members

Only develop two options – 2 Member

Members APPROVED the NEW BERMUDA framework option to take forward to Consultation 2



26 May 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Council offices, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Thursday 26 May 2022 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                                                    

1.            Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman  Cllr John Lamb was re-elected as Chairman and Mr John Nichols re-elected as Vice Chairman

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests      Cllr Goggin declared a personal interest as an elected Member for Brightlingsea    

3.            Minutes of 28 January 2022   Members approved the minutes 


1.            2021/22 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report, Annual Return and Internal Audit report (S Martin)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3     Appendix 4    Appendix 5     Appendix 6      Members approved the revenue outturn of £17,247.34 and noted the associated financial statements. Members approved the transfer of the underspend to the general reserve. They noted the audit report and approved the Annual Return and Governance Statement

2.            Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 (S Martin)     Appendix 1     Members approved the Treasury Management Strategy

3.            Cockle TECFO licensed fishery management (D Bailey)    Appendix C    Members were informed of a reduced TAC of 5852 tonnes due to poor recruitment to the fishery in 2019 and 2020. Surveys had been undertaken and in Area 15 sufficient cockles had been found to allow one trip per vessel during the season. Members were advised that a meeting had been held with Licence Holders on 13 May. Licence Holders had asked that they be allowed to conduct yield tests from each harvesting area and the option of additional trips to Area 15 if cockles continued to grow. Members agreed the management measures outlined in the report and an increase in the licence fee to ££6,694. Members decided to allow the issue of 14 licences to those that had held them previously with no additional licences granted.

4.            Permitted Cockle Fishery Surveys (D Bailey)        Members were advised that twenty five applications for category 1 and one application for category 2 permits had been received to fish for cockles in the area outside the TEFCO. Surveys and appropriate assessments had been carried out and results suggested that Area 7 could be opened, however Members were not required to make a decision on whether to open the Fishery or not until the 14 June 2022 meeting when they would be asked to decide if a small scale trial should go ahead. Members noted this report

Fish Local presentation – Mr J Seaward

5.            Goodwin Sands MCZ Sabellaria reef survey (W Wright)   Members were provided with details of the work undertaken to date and provided with information on the future surveys planned for 2022/23. Members approved the continuation of the planned surveys and noted the contribution from Natural England of £10,000 towards costs.

Motion for the Ocean presentation – Cllr Dr P Buchan

Cutting emissions in the port and in the PLA – Ms T Ferry

6.            Health & Safety Annual Review 2021/22 (D Bailey)   Members noted the report

7.            Review of Standing Orders and Constitution (J Cook)   Members approved the amendment to the Financial Regulations

8.            Approval of the Annual Plan 2022/23 (D Bailey)      Members approved the Annual Plan




Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)        C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                     C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (EW)                      C6 – Enforcement report (HH)    



15 and 16 March 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Chartwell Suite, Dover Marina Hotel, Dover Waterfront, Dover, Kent on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th March 2022 at 10.30am to transact the following business:

 A.           AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                    

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests



That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


1. Review of historic cockle stock surveys, economics of the fishery and current cockle management in the Thames.

2. Recap process to develop future cockle fishery management (including legal overview)

3. Review and evaluate feedback and management framework options provided by stakeholders in the Listening Phase.


28 January 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Kent Room, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill St, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Friday 28 January 2022 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                             

1.            Declaration of Members’ interests        

2.            Minutes of 26 November 2021


1.            Revenue Budget monitoring 2021/2022 (S Martin)   Appendix 1

2.            Draft Budget 2022/2023 (S Martin)   Appendix 1    Appendix 2

3.            Whelk Permit Byelaw update (D Bailey)   Appendix 1

4.            Update on Fisheries Management Plans and 2022 International Fisheries Management (W Wright)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2

Presentation Seafish (Felix Ameye)

5.            Fish Local project update ( W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2

6.            Initial research into meeting net zero carbon emissions by 2050  (W Wright)  Appendix 1

Presentation AIFCA ( Rob Clark)

7.            Draft Annual Plan 2022/23 (D Bailey)     Appendix 1


                                Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)        C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (EW)                      C6 – Enforcement report (HH)    



26 November 2021

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 26 November 2021 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A.            AUTHORITY BUSINESS                                            

1.            Review of the Constitution and Standing Orders (A Tait) Members approved the amendment to the Standing Orders to conform to the Localism Act of 2011to include a definition of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and to include content outlining details of the management of exempt and confidential items   Appendix 1    

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests         Dr Fonseca declared a personal interest in Agenda items B5 in relation to her employment by Cefas. Mr Rattley and Mrs Gilson declared a personal interest in Agenda items B2, 8, 9 and 10    

3.            Minutes of 17 September 2021



1.            Revenue Budget monitoring 2021/22 (C Green)   Members noted the projected underspend of £26,578 and the variances relating to it   Appendix 1

2.            2021 Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey)      Members were provided with a summary of the cockle fishery management for the TECFO and the Permitted Cockle Fishery. Members approved the management undertaken in 2021

Presentation – Fish Local – Mr O Jackson   A presentation on the work undertaken by the Thames Estuary partnership in looking to promote two species of locally caught fish was provided by Mr Ollie Jackson

 3.           Update on native oyster projects (P Haupt)   Members were informed that the data used to make the decision on management was from 2019 as Covid restrictions had meant the surveys due to be carried out in 2020 and 2021 did not go ahead. Members were advised that surveys were planned for 2022 and updated on the work carried out with partner agencies in the Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne (BCRC) Estuaries. Members agreed that the BCRC MCZ Native Oyster Fishery should remain closed as there was no evidence of sustained levels of recovery in the native oyster population

4.            MPA update/ Sabellaria survey and management for Goodwin Sands MCZ (P Haupt)      Members were provided with a presentation on the work undertaken by staff using the PV Nerissa to survey the Goodwin Sands MCZ for Sabellaria reefs in order to develop management of that site. Members approved the work undertaken and agreed continued work on the site together with stakeholder engagement.

5.            Meeting national and international targets to become carbon neutral (W Wright)        Members requested that a carbon audit be carried out by the IFCA. Ms Ferry advised that the Port of London had committed to a zero approach by 2040 and would welcome engagement from the IFCA. Members discussed the use of HVO fuel in IFCA vessels as an alternative to marine diesel and noted the additional cost of between 10p to 15p per litre. Members suggested a working party be developed to see how any information/initiatives could be shared with Industry.

6.            Annual Report 2020/21 (D Bailey)    Members approved the Annual Report

7.            Meeting dates 2022/23 (D O’Shea)  Members noted the meeting dates


                                Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)     C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                  C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Recreational Angling report (EW)    C6 – Enforcement report (HH)               




Members will reconvene at 1pm or on the rising of the previous meeting, whichever is later, in order to transact the following business:

B.                            MATTERS FOR DECISION

These papers relate to the review and development of future cockle fishery management in the Kent & Essex district

8.            Listening Phase consultation summary (W Wright)    Mr Rattley and Mrs Gilson declared a Significant Personal Interest and withdrew from the meeting for this agenda item. Members were informed of the consultation process that had been undertaken and of the creation of a communications plan which detailed the engagement that had taken place. All of the completed questionnaires were available on the website together with the recorded videos. Members were informed that it was proposed that the website would be the main access point to review consultation responses due to the high volume of correspondence and evidence anticipated to be received at each stage. Members were played the summary film from the oral evidence hearing. Members approved the actions taken by officers on the listening phase summary.

9.            Revised process for the development of future cockle fishery management (W Wright)    Members approved the revised process and timescales by which the review would be undertaken. Members noted the additional in year spend for running a meeting in February 2022 and for a filmed oral evidence hearing in March 2022. Members approved the commissioning of the following documents/reports:

·         legal overview document;

·         economics report;

·         compiling of a report to compare the KEIFCA cockle fisheries with other cockle fisheries in the UK and overseas; 

·         compiling of a report to review spatial and stock data for the cockle beds in the KEIFA district;

In addition Members approved the upgrading of the KEIFCA website to better host and present data from the cockle review and future management development process. All costs of these reports and any website upgrade were to be approved by the CFO in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman


10.          Creating a vision statement and evaluation criteria to use in the process of developing future cockle fishery management (W Wright)    Members were presented with an outline of the proposed process suggested for use in the creation of a vision statement and evaluation criteria. Members discussed the matter and suggested and made recommendations to the suggested criteria provided. Members agreed the suggested processes to create a vision statement and evaluation criteria.


17 September 2021

NOTICE is herby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Garden Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, Aveley, Thurrock RM19 1YN on Friday 17 September 2021 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Apologies              Apologies were received from Cllrs Collor, Tejan & Skeels and Dr Fonseca & Mr Turner
  2. Declaration of Members' interests         Mr Rattley disclosed a prejudicial interest in respect of agenda items B2 and B3
  3. Minutes of 25 May 2021       The minutes of 25 May were approved with no matters arising


  1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2021/22 (C Green)   Appendix 1     Members noted the projected underspend of ££8,045 for 2021/22 together with the variances to the budget
  2. Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey)      Members were provided with details of the management undertaken to date within the TECFO and additional surveys carried out in Area 15 as requested by Members at their May meeting. Additional survey points were included in the survey of Area 15 to include areas which had been fished in 2020 by licence holders as well as those surveyed previously. No new patches of cockle beds were found and the area remained closed. Area 8 had been closed at the request of the licence holders due to low quantities of cockles on site. Surveys had been carried out earlier in September to assess stock on the Maplin Sands. These showed that as expected adult stock had dropped with an increase in spat levels which would be subject to usual winter mortality. Members approved the management carried out
  3. Review and Development of Future Cockle Fishery Management (W Wright)   Appendix 4     Appendix 5     Members were provided with an outline of the proposed processes and timescales relating to the need to review the current cockle fishery management and the development of future cockle fishery management in its District. Members noted that the TECFO order was due to end in September 2024 and that the consultation process on what would replace it would begin on 27 September 2021 with the aim of making any replacement legislation in March 2023. This process would also include a review of the Cockle Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw. Members discussed the proposals in detail and made suggestions to improve the process. Members approved the following:

    1. The proposal to review all of the current cockle fishery management, including its underpinning legislation, which is in place within the KEIFCA district, and then to develop new cockle fishery management using the process described in this paper.

    2. The proposed provisional process (including indicative dates) by which the review and development will be undertaken

    3. The setting up of a small working group of members (3-4) to act as an evidence gathering panel on the 20-21 October and agreed a provisional budget of £10,000 (to be taken from reserves) for this project. 

  4. Byelaw update (D Bailey)    Members noted that the Whelk Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw had been confirmed by the Secretary of State on 3 August 2021 and that the Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaw was expected to be confirmed shortly
  5. Marine Protected Area update (P Haupt)   Members were updated on the work being undertaken to survey the Goodwin Sands MCZ for Sabellaria reefs using the patrol vessel Nerissa & the proposals by Defra to identify pilot Highly Protected Marine Areas in English waters in 2022
  6. Fish Local update (W Wright)    Members noted the work carried out to date and the lead in funding applications and the work carried out by Thames Estuary Partnership
  7. Annual Report 2020/2021 (D Bailey)   Annual Report    Members were asked to review the Annual Report and contact the ACFO or OM with any queries or adjustments required     


      C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent report (RW)           C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex report (MW)

      C3 - Essex Vessel report (CoL)                        C4 - Kent Vessel report (BH)

      C5 - Sea Angling report (EW)                         C6 - Enforcement report (HH)



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Garden Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, Aveley, Thurrock RM19 1YN on Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 10.00am to transact the following business:
(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman  Cllr Lamb was re-elected as Chairman and Mr Nichols re-elected as Vice Chairman

2. Declaration of Members’ interests  Mr Rattley declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Agenda items B3 and B4 

3. Minutes of 29 January 2021  Members approved the minutes


1. 2020/21 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report, Annual Return and Internal Audit report (C Green)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3   Appendix 4    Appendix 5    Members approved the underspend and requested that £30,000 be placed in an investment account with the remainder transferred to general reserves. Members noted the report of internal audit and the recommendations that had been made and approved the Annual Return and 2021/22 Internal Audit plan

2. Treasury Management Strategy 2021/22 (C Green)  Members requested that the Financial Advisor investigate the option of IFCA funds being held in a 30 day account rather than a 7 day account.

3. Cockle TECFO licenced fishery management (D Bailey)  Members were informed of a reduced TAC of 6,160 tonnes for the 2021 fishery due to poor recruitment to the fishery in 2019 and 2020. Surveys had taken place as usual and had included Area 15 (Margate Sands) as 1.5 thousand tonnes of good quality cockles had been found there in 2020. This area had last been fished in 1988 when 900 tonnes had been harvested. The survey of this site in 2021 had found good sized cockles but not in sufficient quantities to open it. At the annual licence holder meeting strong representation had been received from the Industry that this area should be allowed to be fished and a letter had been received from the Industry making representations to Members to allow it to be opened. Members agreed the management methods as stated in the report and noted that Area 15 would be re-surveyed in July 2021 with a Licence holder on board the survey vessel. Members agreed that should cockles be found in sufficient quantities at that time then consideration should be given to open this area. Members decided to allow the issue of 14 licences to those that had held them previously with no additional licences granted. Members were reminded that the TECFO would run out in September 2024 and it was the intention of officers to begin consultation at the end of 2021 on what would replace it.

4. Permitted Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey)  Members were advised that surveys carried out in April 2021 had found insufficient cockles to permit the opening of this cockle fishery. Members agreed the cockle fishery would not open in 2021 and that all permit fees should be refunded

5. Marine Protected Area – Tranche 3 MCZ Update (W Wright)  Members noted that MMO had agreed that the IFCA would take the lead on the development of management measures for the Goodwin Sands MCZ site and noted the survey work that was planned to be undertaken

6. Fisheries Regeneration Working Group update (W Wright)   Appendix 1     Appendix 2    Members received the notes of the two meetings of the Working Group that had been held and approved an invitation to the Head of Fisheries Funding Policy at Defra to attend the next IFCA meeting to discuss the historic issuing of funds to the area and the opportunities available to fishermen from the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme

7. Review of Standing Orders and Constitution (J Cook)  Members noted the report

8. Approval of the Annual Plan 2021/22 (D Bailey)   Members approved the Annual Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW) C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)               C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)
C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                  C6 – Enforcement report (HH)


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act


1. Health & Safety Annual review (D Bailey)  Members noted the report


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held as a virtual meeting using Zoom Conferencing Software on Friday 29 January 2021 at 10.00am to transact the following business:

(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1. Declaration of Members’ interests

2. Minutes of 30 November 2020


1. Revenue Budget monitoring 2020/21 (C Green)  Appendix 1

2. Draft Budget 2021/22 (C Green)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2

Presentation by Defra on Fisheries Management Plans

3. MPA Management (W Wright)

Presentation by Rob Clarke, CEO of Association of IFCAs on the role of the AIFCA

4. Whelk Permit Fishery (D Bailey)

5. Brexit paper (W Wright)

6. Draft Annual Plan 2021/22 (D Bailey)   Draft Annual Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW) C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)               C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)
C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                 C6 – Enforcement report (HH)



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held as a virtual meeting using Zoom Conferencing Software on Monday 30 November 2020 at 10.00am to transact the following business:
(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1. Declaration of Members’ interests  Mr Rattley declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Agenda item B3 as a cockle permit holder. No additional declarations were declared

2. Minutes of 16 September 2020  The minutes were approved


1. Revenue Budget monitoring 2020/21 (C Green)   Appendix 1   Members noted and approved the projected underspend of £112,478 taking into account unbudgeted income of £47,493. Members noted the expectation of officers that the levy would not increase for 2021/2022 and the comments of the Chairman to Local Authority members to ask their Local Authorities to maintain the current level of levy

2. Whelk Permit Fishery Byelaw 2020 (D Bailey)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3  Appendix A   Appendix B   Appendix 4   Appendix 5   Appendix 6   Members heard presentations from officers relating to the biology of the fishery and steps taken by officers to work with permit holders in enforcing the Emergency Whelk Byelaw, together with the recommendations of the Technical Panel that had met to discuss the content of the proposed Byelaw. Requirements regarding spatial restrictions and VMS had been removed following comments from Industry. Members received correspondence from the Industry and had opportunity to ask questions from Industry present. Members voted to approve the making of the Whelk Permit Fishery Byelaw 2020 by 13 votes to 1.

3. 2020 Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey)  Appendix 1   Members noted the outcome of the TECFO fishery and the results of the stock surveys undertaken in September 2020. Members were reminded that the Permit Fishery had been opened based on stock surveys carried out in 2019 with agreement from NE. The fishery had been opened on 6 October 2020 however Industry had reported that there was insufficient stock on the ground to sustainably fish and took the decision in the majority to return those cockles caught. Stocks of manilla clam were reported and surveys had been undertaken to establish the potential stock. Members were advised that if the survey had been carried out and insufficient stock found then the permit fee would have been refunded. Members agreed that, in this instance, the permit fee should be refunded to Industry.

4. Update on Native Oyster projects (P Haupt)   Members noted that surveys had not been completed for 2020 due to Covid 19 and that 2019 data had been used to review the status of the native oyster stock. A joint survey with fishermen was planned for the beginning of the new year, subject to Covid restrictions, and the entire area of the BCRC MCZ would be surveyed rather than specific sites. Members approved the management measures to continue to close the BCRC MCZ native oyster fishery.

5. EU exit update (W Wright)   Members noted that the IFCA had been asked by the MMO to provide staff and vessels at the end of December and beginning of January to assist with national fisheries enforcement provision.

6. Engagement with Crouch Harbour Authority (D Bailey)  Members noted the work that the IFCA intended to carry out with Crouch Harbour Authority to develop a clear understanding of spatial management within the River Crouch and establish boundaries of the private fisheries

7. Annual Report 2019/20 (D Bailey)   Members noted the report

8. Meeting dates 2021/22 (D O’Shea)   Members noted the report
Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW) C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL) C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)
C5 – Sea Angling report (DD) C6 – Enforcement report (HH)
C7 – Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaw update (WW)   Appendix 1



NOTICE is hereby given that a TECHNICAL PANEL meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held as a virtual meeting using Zoom Conferencing Software on Wednesday 4 November 2020 at 10.00am to transact the following business:

Access and invite will be sent by email


Aim of meeting

  • To review the draft wording of the new permit byelaw
  • To review the draft impact assessment
  • To agree documents so that a byelaw can be put before the 30th November Authority meeting

Meeting Introduction – how meeting is going to be run on zoom

A1.         Declaration of Members’ interests


  1. Comments from Industry/interested parties
  2. Background

o             Byelaw making process

o             Aims of the meeting

  1. Breeding size review and research

o             Evidence on breeding size in KEIFCA district

  1. The practical implementation of the emergency byelaw

o             How inspections have taken place

o             Results of inspections

  1. Proposed flexible permit byelaw wording – presentation


  1. Byelaw impact assessment - presentation



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held as a virtual meeting using Zoom Conferencing Software on Wednesday 16 September 2020 at 10.00am to transact the following business:
During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public – should you wish to access this meeting please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 598468

1. Virtual meetings protocol (J Cook) Appendix 1     Members agreed to adopt the protocols provided with this report to guide how virtual meetings would be run
2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman    Cllr John Lamb was elected as Chairman and Mr John Nichols was elected as Vice Chairman

3. Declaration of Members’ interests    no new declarations of interest were declared 

4. Minutes of 31 January 2020   minutes were agreed with correction of name to Georgie rather than George Sutton

1. Internal Audit Report 2019/2020 and Internal Audit Plan 2020/2021 (Internal Audit)     Appendix A     Members accepted the findings of the Internal Audit and approved the audit plan for 2020/2021
2. 2019/2020 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report and Annual Return (C Green)  Appendix 1  Appendix 2  Appendix 3   Appendix 4     Members approved the final outturn for 2019/2020 and agreed the transfer of £23,423.02 to the General Reserve
3. Treasury Management Strategy 2020/2021 (C Green)   Members noted the current strategy. They asked the Financial Advisor to investigate any other banks that might provide better investment opportunities
4. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2020-2021 (C Green)  Appendix 1    Members noted the current financial position of the IFCA and the changes to projected spending as a result of Covid 19. Members acknowledged the implication of Covid and additional duties as a result of leaving Europe that could impact on future budgets, however were mindful of the difficulties Local Authorities were facing with their own budgets
5. Whelk Emergency Byelaw update (W Wright/ D Bailey/ H Hurst)  Appendix 1   Members noted the actions of officers in freezing the whelk application process which allowed the IFCA to not require payment of the permit fee for 2020/2021. Members agreed that payment should now be requested and that 1 months’ notice be given. Members were updated on the actions undertaken by officers when inspecting whelk catches following the introduction of the Emergency Byelaw in January 2020 and the aim to provide an update to the Whelk Permit Fishery Byelaw at the next IFCA meeting on 30 November 2020. Members were advised that a Technical Panel meeting would be held on 4 November to discuss the wording of the proposed byelaw and its impact assessment at which point correspondence from Mr Craig would be considered.  
6. Cockle Fishery paper (Licensed TECFO and Permit) (D Bailey)  Appendix A    Members were informed that the TECFO fishery had opened on 28 June 2020. Catch rates had been very good and growth was better than the previous year. Changes had been made to the areas fished based on Industry suggestion. The TAC remained as set at the beginning of the fishery. Co-operation between the fleet and officers was very high and compliance was good. The fishery was planned to close on 2 October 2020. In respect of the permit fishery, 29 permits had been applied for with one trip only permitted in Area 7. No surveys had been possible for this fishery due to Covid so the TAC would be based on the previous year’s survey. This fishery would open on 6 October 2020 and close on 8 October 2020
7. Fish Local update (W Wright)  Appendix 1    Members were informed that Thames Estuary Partnership had become involved in this project as a partner and if an application for funding from London Gateway was approved would then lead it. Members discussed the possibility of funding from other bodies/agencies. Members approved the additional spend of £7,000 to allow the project to continue until the end of December 2020 when funding would become available.
8. SUMARiS update and management recommendations (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Members were advised that the project had been extended to October due to Covid. A meeting had been held the previous day with UK, French and Belgium stakeholders who commented on the recommendations. More needed to be done to gather information on the impact of the recommended measures and the member states would be asking ICES to undertake a benchmark exercise to look at stock.
9. General Update paper (W Wright)    Members noted the contents of this paper. Members requested to be kept updated on any information as received on the impact of HPMA in the district
10. Health & Safety Annual review (D Bailey)  Members noted this report

11. Review of Standing Orders and Constitution (J Cook)  Members approved the amendment to the Financial Regulations

12. Approval of the Annual Report 2019/20 (D Bailey)  Draft annual report    Members were requested to submit any amendments or queries direct to the ACFO or OM  


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW) C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL) C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)
C5 – Enforcement report (HH)


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chambers, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1DD on Friday 31 January 2020 at 10.00am to transact the following business:
(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

1. Declaration of Members’ interests Cllr Thomas and Cllr Hills declared personal interests
2. Minutes of 29 November 2019  The minutes were agreed as correct with no matters arising


1. Budget monitoring 2019/20 (C Green) Appendix 1   Members noted the underspend of £65,162 made up of £57,651 unbudgeted income and £7,511 variances to the original budget. Members agreed that £43,200 from the underspend could be set aside to pay for items not allocated within the original budget.
2. Draft budget 2020/21 (C Green)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2  Members approved the increase in the levy for 2020/2021 to £904,585. Members agreed in principle to further increases in the levy for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 subject to further review by the Authority to allow engagement with the constituent Authorities. 
3. Minimum Size Byelaw (D Bailey)  Appendix A    Appendix B  Members were advised that the Byelaw was being made, in conjunction with the East Coast IFCAs, to ensure that the Emergency Byelaw made in August 2019 would be replaced before the Emergency Byelaw period ended. A second phase would be undertaken to look at locally important species to remake the Byelaw to take into account the requirements of the District. This Byelaw would also revoke some historic, inherited byelaws that did not apply to the fisheries or species within the District. Members approved the making of the Minimum Size byelaw taking into account the Impact Assessment with a requirement that a second phase be undertaken to update the Byelaw to take into account locally important species.
4. Whelk Permit Byelaw update (W Wright)   Appendix 1     Appendix 2     Appendix 3 Members were provided with a report giving details of the whelk landings data in the District, feedback from the Industry, an update on riddle testing and suggestions for future management. Members were advised that a meeting with the Industry had been held in December 2019the where Fishermen’s frustrations over inconsistences with riddling of whelks were discussed.
As a result of the meeting and to address these concerns, KEIFCA proposed that a minimum shell length rather than width was introduced and that a tolerance of whelks under the minimum shell length be allowed. Members discussed the four options provided within the report to
• Do nothing
• Develop a non legislative code of practice
• Develop a new permanent byelaw
• Develop an emergency byelaw
Members agreed that the pot limit, the riddle size and the number and size of escape holes remained set at:
Pots – 300 for category 1 permits and 10 for category 2 permits
Riddle – 25mm spacing between bars
Escape holes – 10 @ 25mm per pot
Members agreed to review the requirement and details of making an emergency byelaw to be discussed in Agenda item 5
5. Whelk Emergency Byelaw (W Wright) – Appendix 1    Appendix 2  Members were advised that the current Byelaw specified that any whelk that passed through the 25mm riddle should be returned to sea and that there was no tolerance allowed. Officers had invested time and money in developing mechanical riddles. Although a mechanical riddle was more consistent than a hand riddle, it was acknowledged that a machine riddle was still not consistent enough for the Industry and Officers to be confident that the process was fair and reliable. In order to move away from the use of a riddle as an enforceable matrix it was proposed that an emergency byelaw be made that translated the current minimum riddle spacing of 25mm into a minimum shell height of 53mm with a tolerance of 5%. A whelk that measured in width 25mm was the equivalent of a whelk that measured 53mm in height. It was intended that the byelaw would be reviewed within 10 weeks to see if it was effective. Either an immediate change could be made or the matter could be brought back to Members in May for discussion.

Members discussed this matter in detail, including whether the requirements for an emergency byelaw had been met. Members also questioned whether the tolerance should be 10% rather than 5%. 

Members agreed, through a majority vote, to the making of an Emergency Byelaw as specified within the report to include an explanatory enforcement note:
1st 3 months – any permit holder who retained whelks that measured less than 53mm found from a representative sample over 5% tolerance level but less than 10% would receive a verbal warning
3 – 6 months – any permit holder who retained whelks that measured less than 53mm found from a representative sample over 5% tolerance level but less than 10% would receive a written warning
6 months and over – any permit holder who retained whelks that measured less than 53mm found from a representative sample over 5% tolerance level but less than 10% would be open to the full range of enforcement action

Presentation on Draft South East Marine Plan (G Sutton– MMO)

6. SUMARiS update and presentation (W Wright) Members were updated on the work undertaken with the French, Belgium and Dutch on the Interreg SUMARiS project to develop a multi national training package to identify the skate and ray species within the Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel. 
7. New vessel update (D Bailey)  Members were advised that the RIB Vigilant was due for delivery by the end of February
Presentation on Living River Foundation – River Medway (T Ferry – Living River Foundation)
8. Draft Annual Plan (D Bailey)  Annual Plan  Members were asked to review the Annual Plan and contact the ACFO with any questions and amendments

Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (AM) C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL) C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)
C5 – Enforcement report (HH)


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 29 November 2019 at 10.00am to transact the following business:

(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

1. Declaration of Members’ interests – personal interest declared by Cllr Thomas as a member of Whitstable Harbour Board. Mr Rattley declared a prejudicial interest as a representative of a cockle licence holder.

2. Minutes of 16 September 2019 – Members approved the minutes of 16 September 2019.

1. Revenue Budget monitoring 2019/20 (C Green) Appendix 1 – Members approved the estimated outturn of £76,824 and noted the intention of using underspend to purchase items not originally budgeted for; further details on proposed expenditure will be presented to Members for approval at the next meeting (31 January 2020). 
2. KEIFCA Minimum Fish Sizes Byelaw (D Bailey)  Appendix A    Appendix B – Members provided feedback on the wording of the draft byelaw to replace the emergency byelaw introduced in August 2019 and were reminded that same byelaw is in place across the East coast with Kent & Essex, Eastern, North Eastern & Northumberland IFCAs working jointly on it. Comments will be fed back to the other Eastern Coast IFCAs for consideration.
3. Enforcement report – to include a presentation on enforcement strategies & processes of KEIFCA (H Hurst) -Members were advised that a more detailed enforcement report will be included on the agenda from now on, following questions at the last meeting specifically relating to cockle fishery enforcement. Members were advised that KEIFCA’s aim is for full compliance with regulation through education, communication and working with industry. However, in instances of non-compliance a range of enforcement options from verbal warning through to Financial Administrative Penalties (FAPs) are used. A presentation was given to explain the rationale behind enforcement management of various KEIFCA fisheries and details of joint partner working including Marine Management Organisation, Border Force, Environment Agency & other IFCAs was explained to Members. Details of training courses delivered by a National Training Officer was given to Members.

4. 2019 Cockle Fishery Management (R Dyer)-Members were advised that the TECFO fishery opened on 16 June and closed 4 October as planned, with the TAC of 8008 tonnes maintained throughout the season. Poor growth & meat yields for 2019 were reported across the North Sea, with lack of rainfall cited as a possible contributing factor. KEIFCA cockle stock surveys were completed 30 August–1 September 2019 with results showing high numbers of cockles but poor growth, very low spatfall in 2019 and a mixed outlook for the 2020 fishery. The Permit fishery was open 8-10 October as previously agreed by Members, with 22 of the 30 permitted vessels fishing their 1 allocated trip of 13.6m2 and the remaining 8 choosing not to fish. A letter was received from representatives of 4 of the Boston based vessels requesting that they be allowed to fish after 10 October, as poor weather had prevented them fishing while the fishery was open. After consultation with the Chairman and, due to conditions specified in the Habitats Regulation Assessment, the request was denied.  

5. Update on native oyster projects – to include a presentation on stock predictions and modelling (R Dyer)    Draft Native Oyster Report – Members were advised that the PhD partially funded by KEIFCA was completed and a presentation was given on behalf of Dr Alice Lown highlighting the results of her work. Members were advised that a procedure for opening a fishery and issuing permits had been developed and will be put to the Authority each year to make a decision on whether or not to open the fishery. The results of the 2019 stock assessment surveys and outcomes of a native oyster workshop held in July were put to Members who approved the proposal that the BCRC MCZ Native Oyster Fishery remain closed for 2019.

6. Evaluation and schedule of planned research for 2020/2021 (R Dyer) - Members approved the planned research projects for 2020/21 as detailed in the report.  
7. SUMARiS report (W Wright)   Appendix A – Members noted the report of the work undertaken to date on this joint project with French, Belgian, Dutch partners. A more detailed update will be presented to Members at the next Authority meeting to be held in January 2020
8. Annual Report 2018/19 (D Bailey) – Members approved the Annual Report.
9. Meeting dates 2020/21 (D O’Shea) – Members approved proposed 2020/21 meeting dates, although noted the May meeting date immediately followed the local council election cycle which may result in an alternative date being set for this meeting.

Officer Quarterly Reports:
C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW) C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)               C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)
C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chambers, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill St, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Monday 16 September 2019 at 10.00am to transact the following business:

(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1. Minutes of 21 May 2019   Members approved the minutes of 21 May 2019

2. Declaration of Members’ interests  Personal interest declared by Cllr Thomas as a member of Whitstable Harbour Board.  Mr Rattley declared a prejudicial interest as a representative of a cockle licence holder


1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019-2020 (C Green)  Appendix 1  Members agreed the estimated outturn of £73,785

2. KEIFCA Fish, Mollusc and Crustacea Minimum Size Emergency Byelaw (D Bailey/W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2  Members were informed of the need to make an Emergency Byelaw due to the revoking of an EU technical conservation measure which was replaced with one that did not apply MLS to recreational fishers and the actions taken by officers in conjunction with their counterparts in Eastern IFCA, North Eastern IFCA and Northumberland IFCA. Members approved the making of the emergency byelaw and requested that action be taken to replace this within the statutory time frames with a permanent one.

3. Vessel length and towed fishing gear engine power byelaw (W Wright)   Appendix A   Appendix B  Appendix C   Members were reminded that work had been started on this byelaw in 2018. A consultation process had been run in July/August 2019 on a draft of the byelaw which had received three responses. These letters were discussed together with input from Industry and Members were advised that some changes had been made to the draft byelaw as a result of these. Members agree to make the byelaw.

4. Native Oyster Permit Fishery update and Native Oyster workshop update (R Dyer)   Members heard that the Permit Native Oyster Byelaw had been signed by the Minister in August 2019 and was being publicised. Members were also informed of a workshop held in July attended by the local oyster industry, other IFCAs, Natural England and NGOs to discuss the collection of oyster data, the data already held and what was still required

5. KEIFCA Whelk fishery (W Wright)   Members were made aware that a questionnaire had been distributed to Industry to obtain feedback on this fishery following issues raised by Industry on the riddling process and its accuracy. It was intended to hold a workshop with Industry in October to discuss these issues. Members were also provided with a proposal to develop a work-based PhD to work closely with the industry to look at growth rates, population structure and onboard fishing and sorting processes. This project would take place over 3 years, with 50% of the cost funded by the IFCA. Members approved this proposal

6. Cockle Fishery update (D Bailey)  Members were advised that the TECFO cockle fishery had opened on 16 June 2019. Catch rates were good but yield was lower than anticipated. Cockle surveys had been carried out in September. The TAC of 8008 tonnes had not been varied, however the increase to 4 trips per week was postponed by 5 weeks due to poor growth. The Fishery Observer post had not been filled and as a result the additional £900 per licence holder that had been paid to fund this post would be returned. Members discussed a letter laid around the table from Thames Estuary Fishermans Association. A meeting would be arranged with this body with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, CFO and ACFO to address their concerns. Members noted that the Flexible Permit Cockle Fishery would open on 8 October 2019 

7. New patrol vessel – Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat (RIB) (D Bailey)  Members were informed that the name “Vigilant” had been proposed for the new RIB which was due to be delivered by the end of November 2019

8. Annual Report 2018-2019 (D Bailey)   Annual Report   Members were asked to review the Annual Report and respond directly to the ACFO with any questions


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (HH)   C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)
C3 – Vessel Report, Essex (CoL)                C4 – Vessel Report, Kent (BH)
C5 – Sea Angling Report (DD)                    C6 – Enforcement Report (HH)


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman   Cllr John Lamb was re-elected as Chairman and Mr John Nichols re-elected as Vice Chairman
  2. Declaration of Members’ interests
  3. Minutes of 30 January 2019   Members approved the minutes of the 30 January


  1. Internal Audit Report 2018/2019 and Internal Audit Plan 2019/2020 (Internal Audit)   Members accepted the findings of the Audit Report and approved the Audit Plan for 2019/20
  2. 2018/2019 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report and Annual Return (D Clayton) Appendix 1  Appendix 2   Appendix 3          Appendix 4  Appendix 5    Members approved the transfer of the underspend to General Reserves and approved the Annual Return and Governance Statement
  3. Treasury Management Strategy 2019/2020 (D Clayton)   Members approved that KEIFCA monies remain on deposit with Kent County Council and requested that officers consider the use of 30 or 90 day deposit accounts rather than 7 day.
  4. Brexit paper (W Wright)  Members noted the report
  5. Cockle TECFO licenced fishery management (R Dyer)   Members agreed the management plan as specified within the report. The fishery would open from 16 June 2019 to 4 October 2019 with a TAC of 8008 tonnes and a total of 14 licences would be issued at a cost of £7,144 per licence. Members noted the use of gear in water technology that four vessels would be trialing for the season and the introduction of a position of Fishery Observer for the purposes of improved damage rate and bycatch monitoring. Members requested that a review process be set up to consider how and when additional licences could be issued.
  6. Permitted Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey/R Dyer) Appendix C + D     Appendix E   Members agreed the management plan as specified within the report. The fishery would be open from 8 October 2019 to 10 October 2019 with a TAC of 480 tonnes. Members noted that thirty applications had been received for permits for the fishery which would allow 1 trip per vessel based on the agreed TAC. Members noted the legal advice that had been received confirming that untaken TAC could not be reallocated.

Presentation Permitted Cockle Fishery Management – D Bailey/R Dyer

  1. Byelaw update (D Bailey)   Members were provided with an update of the progress of the Native Oyster Byelaw and Vessel Length Byelaw. Members discussed the proposal of Sussex IFCA to introduce a netting byelaw in their district which would include the area of Rye Bay which comes under their jurisdiction. Members requested that the Chief Fishery Officer for Sussex IFCA attend a meeting of the Authority to discuss the possibility of this byelaw including the Kent & Essex IFCA part of Rye Bay
  2. Native Oyster update (R Dyer)     Members noted this report

Presentation on Marine Protected Areas management – J Small/S Pengelly (Southern IFCA)

  1. Health & Safety Annual review (D Bailey)    Members noted this report
  2. Review of Standing Orders and Constitution (J Cook)   Members agreed to approve the current Terms of Reference and Standing Orders with no changes
  3. Approval of the Annual Plan 2019/20 (D Bailey)   Members approved the Annual Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (HH)      C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                       C6 – Enforcement report (HH)



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chambers, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1DD on Wednesday 30 January 2019 at 10.00am to transact the following business:

(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

1. Declaration of Members’ interests

2. Minutes of 30 November 2018  Members approved the minutes of 30 November 2018

1. Budget monitoring 2018/2019 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1     Members noted and approved the forecast underspend for 2018/19 together with the expenditure made and due to be made for items not included in the original 2018/19 budget proposal

2. Draft budget 2019/20 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3   Members approved a budget of £889,600 for 2019/20 and the levies as set out within the report

3. Whelk Permit byelaw and management (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Members noted the report provided to them in respect of analysis of landing data and feedback from Industry and heard a presentation on the whelk riddle that had been purchased for use in enforcement. Members were pleased to hear that stocks appeared to becoming more stable and agreed the pot limit, riddle size and number and size of escape holes remain set at:

Pots – 300 for category 1 permits and 10 for category 2 permits

Riddle – 25mm spacing between bars

Escape holes – 10 @ 25mm per pot

4. EMFF Project: Filling the Knowledge Gap – Whelk Populations (R Dyer)   Members were provided with an update on the progress of the EMFF whelk project in its first year. This project intended to provide an understanding of the difference in whelks within the district.

5. Brexit update (W Wright)   Members noted that the Chairman had given evidence to a Parliamentary Committee in respect of the Fisheries Bill. They were informed that the IFCA were working more closely with the MMO and were hosting two of their officers in their Ramsgate office

Presentation by Defra on the plans that have been developed and how businesses within the Industry can prepare for a no deal Brexit

6. Replacement RIB (D Bailey/C O’Laoi)   Members agreed to the purchase of a new RIB from Ribcraft for delivery by October 2019

7. National Training Post (D Bailey)   Members welcomed the appointment of a national IFCA lead training officer and noted that KEIFCA would be hosting this post on behalf of all IFCAs through the Association of IFCAs

8. Draft Annual Plan (D Bailey)   Appendix 1   Members noted the contents of the Annual Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW) C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (HH)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL) C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Enforcement report (JH) C6 – Research report (RD)

C7 – Angling report (DD)

That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act”

1. Exempt minutes of 30 November 2018    Members approved the exempt minutes of 30 November 18




NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Rooms, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 30 November 2018 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests
  1. Minutes of 14 September 2018 Members accepted the minutes of 14 September 18


  1. Revenue Budget monitoring 2018/19 (B Gibbs)       Appendix 1   Members noted and approved the forecast underspend of £74,273. In view of the expected underspend, Members authorised expenditure on items not in the original budget, details of which would be provided at the next IFCA meeting.
  1. Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaw update (W Wright/D Bailey)   Appendix 1      Appendix 2   Members approved the recommendations of the Technical Panel meeting and agreed that the exemptions to the proposed byelaw as detailed within the report would apply. Members also approved the wording of the draft byelaw subject to consultation with stakeholders. The proposed byelaw and Impact Assessment would be circulated for consultation.
  1. Brexit update (W Wright)    Appendix 1   Members noted the update on international and national progress on fisheries matters relating to the UK exit of the EU
  1. Fisheries Bill update (W Wright)   Members were provided with an update on the drafting of the Fisheries Bill, in particular points of note for IFCAs and the inshore fleet. Members were advised that the Chairman had been invited to address a select committee at Parliament on behalf of IFCAs on 5 December 18
  1. Replacement of patrol vessel RIB ‘Blue Jacket’ (D Bailey)   Members approved in principle the replacement of ‘Blue Jacket’ with a new RIB. Full details of costings and suppliers to be provided at the next meeting
  1. 2018 Cockle Fishery Management (R Dyer)  Members noted the summary of the management of the 2018 cockle fishery and approved the invitation of permit holders to attend the May meetings where any future management would be decided. In relation to the allocation of any untaken TAC from the permitted cockle fishery, Members agreed to obtain legal advice.
  1. Inshore Vessel Monitoring update (W Wright)   Appendix 1   Members noted that the MMO and not the IFCA would be applying for the EU grant funding on behalf of fishermen although IFCAs would remain committed to the promotion of these devices

Presentation by Dr E Willstead on assessing the cumulative effects of marine renewable energy developments. Additional presentation by Ms A Pryor of Thames Estuary Partnership

  1. Evaluation and schedule of planned research for 2019/2020 (R Dyer)   Appendix 1    Members approved the planned research for 2019/20
  1. Annual Report 2017/18 (D Bailey)  Members approved the Annual Report
  1. Meeting dates 2019/2020 (D O’Shea)  Members agreed the proposed meeting dates

Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (HH)      C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Vessel report, Essex (CoL)                     C4 – Vessel Report, Kent (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                        C6 – Enforcement report (JH)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act


E1           Staff matters (D Bailey)  Members approved the recommendations of the working group in relation to staff structure and pay



NOTICE is hereby given that a TECHNICAL PANEL meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill St, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1DD on Wednesday 10 October 2018 commencing at 1.00pm to transact the following business:


A1.         Declaration of Members’ interests


  • Background – introductory presentation outlining the key issues
  • Outline the consultation process and next steps
  • Note the written consultation replies and any oral evidence
  • Discuss the options and wording of the key components of the byelaw and make recommendations in respect of:

– The maximum vessel length in the KEIFCA district and which vessels it should apply to;

– The maximum engine power (and any derating) in the KEIFCA district and which vessels it should apply to;

– How KEIFCA should address vessels currently working in the district, that would exceed the limits of the byelaw (grandfather rights, sunset clause etc); and

– Review the proposed byelaw wording as a whole.

Agenda papers:

Reviewing Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaws  (WW) Appendix 1      Appendix 2        Appendix 3



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chambers, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill St, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Friday 14 September 2018 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Minutes of 22 May 2018   Members approved the minutes
  2. Declaration of Members’ interests


  1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2018/2019 and Ten Year Capital Renewals Plan (B Gibbs) Appendix A     Appendix B  Members approved the forecast underspend of £62,598 and the reasons for this. Members discussed the renewals plan for the next ten years and were advised that this forecast should be viewed taking into account Brexit and the implications of losing New Burdens Funding from Central Government. The renewals plan was noted.
  2. Cockle Fishery update (D Bailey)  Members were informed that the TECFO had opened on 17 June 18 and was due to close on 28 September 18. Catch rates had been excellent although yield had varied throughout the season. As a result of finding additional stocks the TAC had increased to 6160 tonnes and then again to 6622 tonnes. This increased TAC continued to fall within that allowed through the Habitat Regulations Assessment that Natural England had approved for this fishery. Members requested that written protocols to be included within the cockle papers which described the process officers followed before making a decision to alter the TAC of the TECFO. In respect of the Flexible Byelaw Permit Fishery, this was due to open at the start of October 18. Members were advised that one letter had been received from a Permit Holder regarding the opening of this fishery for one day only. Members discussed this letter and found that the permit fee was set in the Byelaw. The IFCA was responsible for deciding if there was sufficient stock to fish not whether it would be financially viable for the boat to attend the fishery.
  3. Report to Parliament about the conduct and operation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (W Wright/D Bailey) Appendix A   Appendix B  Members approved the report to Parliament submitted by officers
  4. Strategic Evidence Plan (R Dyer)  Appendix A  Members approved the Strategic Evidence Plan subject to one minor amendment. Members asked that the draft Annual Plan showed the proposed research that would be undertaken to allow the IFCA to approve. This would include a proviso that Officers with Chairman & Vice Chairman approval may include additional projects if they met the criteria as defined in the SEP. Members to be notified if this was the case
  5. BCRC Native Oyster Flexible Permit Byelaw update to include presentation by Alice Lown on her PhD work (D Bailey)  Appendix A  Appendix B   Appendix Ca Appendix Cb  Members noted the minor amendments that had been made to the wording of the byelaw and noted the further response from Mr Elbra regarding the making of the byelaw.
  6. Annual Report 2018-2019 (D Bailey)    Annual Report   Members agreed to notify the ACIFCO of any changes required to or comments on the Annual Report.
  7. White Paper ‘ Sustainable fisheries for future generations’ (W Wright)  Appendix A Members noted the  response of the AIFCA to the white paper
  8. iVMS update – verbal report (W Wright)  Members were advised that due to the identification of a number of legal issues with the use of an EU grant to fund the installation of iVMS units a new funding module would be required. The MMO were actively seeking to find a solution to this funding issue. Members noted this report
  9. SUMARiS update – presentation only (W Wright)  Members noted the work that had been carried out to date on the sustainable management of skates and rays


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (HH)                     C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Vessel Report, Essex (CoL)                                   C4 – Vessel Report, Kent (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling Report (DD)                                     C6 – Enforcement Report (JH)

C7 – Science & Research update (RD)


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act


E1.                          Staff matters  Members agreed that the Chairman, Vice Chairman, senior officers,Clerk and Financial Advisor would meet to discuss this in detail and report back to the IFCA in November






NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 22 May 2018 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman  – Cllr John Lamb was re-elected as Chairman and Mr John Nichols as Vice-Chairman


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests


  1. Minutes of 30 January 2018   – Members agreed the minutes




  1. Native Oyster Flexible Permit Byelaw (W Wright) Appendix A   Appendix B   Appendix C   Appendix D   Appendix E   Appendix F   Appendix G    Appendix H  – Members approved the making of the Byelaw. The Byelaw would now go forward for formal consultation


  1. Internal Audit Report 2017/2018 and Internal Audit Plan 2018/2019 (Internal Audit)  Appendix A  – Members noted the report for 2017/2018 and approved the plan for 2018/2019


  1. 2017/2018 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report and Annual Return (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3  Appendix 4  Appendix 5  – Members noted the report and approved the transferring of the underspend to the General Reserve and the Renewal Reserve. The Annual Return was also approved and signed off by the Chairman and the Clerk to the Authority.


  1. Treasury Management Strategy 2018/2019 (B Gibbs) – Members agreed the Treasury Management Strategy for 2018/2019 and approved KEIFCA monies remaining on deposit with Kent County Council


  1. Cockle TECFO licenced fishery management (R Dyer)  Appendix B  Appendix C  – Members approved the opening of the Fishery on 17 June 2018 with an initial TAC of 5390 tonnes (35 trips per boat). Fourteen licences were issued to existing licence holders with no additional licences approved. The licence fee was set at £6,244.

(i)            Stock surveys

(ii)           Fishery Management

(iii)          TAC for 2018 fishery

(iv)         Commencement date

(v)          Areas to be fished

(vi)         Issue of Licences

(vii)        Closure of Beds

(viii)       Issues Management



  1. Permitted Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey)  – Members approved the opening of the Fishery on 2 October 2018 with a TAC of 535 tonnes (1 trip per boat) for 35 permit holders. All areas except for the Dengie, Buxey and Ray Sands in Area 7 would be closed.


  1. Inshore vessel monitoring (W Wright & D Bailey)   – Members approved KEIFCA’s involvement in this project and authorised the use of IFCA reserves to initially fund the installation of iVMS units within the District for the under 12m fleet. Officers would now submit a bid to the EMFF for the required overall funding


  1. Vessel length byelaw consultation paper (W Wright)  Appendix A   – Members agreed the consultation paper and process


  1. Marine plan update (W Wright & B Hughes)  Appendix 1  –  Members discussed the concept of the use of the essential Fish Habitat approach and the Cumulative Effects Assessments approach with regard to working with the MMO and local stakeholders for the South East Marine Plan area. Members agreed to send a delegation from the IFCA to approach the MMO Board to make a presentation to them highlighting the issues and potential solutions


  1. Health & Safety update (D Bailey)  – Members noted the report


  1. Approval of the Annual Plan 2018/19 (D Bailey)   – Members noted the report


Officer Quarterly Reports:


C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (HH)      C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (MW)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Enforcement report (JH)                      C6 – Sea Angling report (DD)

C7 – Lead Scientific & Conservation Officer  report (RD)






That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act.



  1. Exempt minutes of 30 January 2018  –  Members agreed the minutes

NOTICE is hereby given that a TECHNICAL PANEL meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the West Mersea Yacht Club, 116 Coast Road, West Mersea, Essex, CO5 8PB on Wednesday 7 February 2018 commencing at 1.00pm to transact the following business:


A1.         Declaration of Members’ interests

B1       Agenda paper       Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3

  • Presentation – translating the agreed management ideas into legislation.
  • Review the wording of the draft Native Oyster Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw
  • Review the wording of the Management Plan
  • Review the wording of the Permit Schedule that accompanies the Byelaw
  • Discuss the requirements of the Appropriate Assessment (more information to be provided at the meeting)
  • Discuss the requirements of the Byelaw Impact Assessment

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chambers, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1DD on Tuesday 30 January 2018 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests
  2. Minutes of 30 November 2017    –  Members agreed the minutes


  1. Budget monitoring 2017/18 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1     – Members reviewed and approved the forecast underspend of £30,774 for 2017/2018

2.  Draft budget 2018/19 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3Members reviewed and agreed the budget of £889,600 for the year 2018/2019 and agreed the levies as they applied to the constituent Authorities

3.  Whelk Permit byelaw and management (W Wright)  Appendix A    Appendix B     Whelk Report (Dr Hollyman) – Members agreed that the pot limit, riddle size and number & size of escape holes remain set as in 2017/2018. Members approved the issuing of 14 day warning letters to those permit holders that had not completed catch returns since September 2017 warning of possible legal action. In addition, Members noted that officers would work with local fishermen in investigating the suitability of an automated whelk riddle that had recently come onto the market. If the Industry was interested in using this riddle, the IFCA would work with them to help them to explore grant funding opportunities to assist with its purchase.

4.  KEIFCA Native Oyster Permit byelaw (D Bailey/W Wright) – Members approved the recommendation that the management of activities other than oyster harvesting in the restoration box should initially be managed through a voluntary agreement. Members approved the recommendation that the ENORI group in partnership with other invited stakeholders be asked to develop the agreement. Members approved the continuing closure of the BCRC Estuaries MCZ site for the harvesting of Native oysters to 31 May 2020 using its powers under the Shellfish Beds Byelaw.

Presentation by Mr John Nichols regarding future options for quota management (Faroe’s experience)

5.  Scoping paper – reviewing Vessel Length (and engine power) Byelaws (W Wright) – Members agreed to Option 3 – develop a new byelaw that has one constant length for the whole of the KEIFCA district

6.  Sea Angling Report (W Wright)    Appendix 1 – Members agreed that officers should work with CEFAS in promoting the Sea Angling Diary 2018. Members agreed that the CEFAS angling team should be asked to present their work at the next Authority meeting. Members agreed that officers would contact angling clubs/charter boats for feedback. Members agreed that officers should report key issues to Defra/Minister and to invite the Minister to visit the District.

7.  Draft Annual Plan (D Bailey)      Appendix 1 – Members agreed to contact the ACIFCO direct with any comments. The Chairman asked for details of the whelk riddle to be included

8.  Strategic Evidence Plan update (R Dyer) – Members agreed to update the Plan and to run a consultation on it within the wider research community

9.  Bass legislation for 2018 (D Bailey) – awaiting finalisation of legislation from the EU. Paper will be emailed out/laid around    table - No information was available as the EU Journal had not been updated.


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)     C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (HH)

C3 – Essex Vessel report (CoL)                    C4 – Kent Vessel report (BH)

C5 – Enforcement report (JH)                      C6 – SUMARiS project update (WW)    Appendix 1



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act”


Exempt minutes of 30 November 2017

E1.  FPV Nerissa update


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Rooms, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Thursday 30 November 2017 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests

2.  Minutes of 15 September 2017


  1. Budget monitoring 2017/18 (B Gibbs)   Appendix 1

2. Whelk update (W Wright) Appendix 1   Appendix 2

3.  2017 Cockle Fishery Management update (R Dyer/D Bailey)

4.  Brexit update (W Wright)   Appendix 1 Appendix 2

5.  Oyster Permit Byelaw update (W Wright)   Appendix 1

6.  Marine Plan update (W Wright)

7.  Annual Report 2016/2017 (D Bailey)

8.  Dates for future meetings (D O’Shea)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)     C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (HH)

C3 – Vessel report (CoL)                                 C4 – Vessel Report (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                       C6 – Enforcement report (JH)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act


Exempt minutes of 15 September 2017

E1           Update on FPV Nerissa (D Bailey)




  NOTICE is hereby given that a TECHNICAL PANEL meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Powell Training Suite, Essex Outdoors Mersea, Rewsalls Lane, East Mersea, Essex, CO5 8SX on Monday 30 October 2017 commencing at 11.00am to transact the following business:



 A1.     Declaration of Members’ interests

B1.     a) Review the progress made to-date in making a Native Oyster Flexible Permit Byelaw. (Presentation from KEIFCA   officers).    Agenda paper

b) Consider the responses to the consultation document and make recommendations or give a specific direction for the  Authority to consider.    Consultation document       Consultation questions with responses 


  1. Review the structure and mechanisms within the byelaw:
  • the static and flexible components of the byelaw
  • the relationship and mechanism between the byelaw and the fisheries management plan.

2. Scrutinize in detail each consultation question in order 1-14.

Full responses to consultation:

Mr R Pitt

Mr M Smith

Mr A Bird

Blackwater Oystermen’s Association

Zoological Society of London

Mr W Baker

University of Essex

Natural England

Kent Wildlife Trust

Gladwell Oyster Growers Ltd

The Kent and Essex Fishermen’s Group

West Mersea Fishermans Association

Colchester Sea Angling Club

Mr R Hawkins

Crouch Harbour Authority

Essex Wildlife Trust




NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 15 September 2017 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public


  1. Minutes of 23 May 2017
  2. Declaration of Members’ interests


  1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/2018 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1
  2. Cockle Fishery update (D Bailey)
  3. Native Oyster Flexible Permit Byelaw update (W Wright) Appendix 1   Appendix 2
  4. Research Projects update (W Wright)]

Presentation by Jess Churchill-Bissett (MMO) on Marine Planning and the South East Marine Plan

  1. Brexit and the implications for IFCAs (W Wright)   Appendix 1
  2. Annual Report 2016-2017 (D Bailey)   Draft Annual Report


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)                    C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (HH)

C3 – Vessel Report, Essex (CoL)                                  C4 – Vessel Report, Kent (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling Report (DD)                                     C6 – Enforcement Report (AP/JH)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act


E1           Update on FPV Nerissa (W Wright)

E2           New staff structure (W Wright)



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Council Offices, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD, on Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

2.  Declaration of Members’ interests

3.  Minutes of 23 January 2017


1.    Internal Audit Report 2016/2017 and Internal Audit Plan 2017/2018 (F Chivers, Internal Audit) Appendix A & B


  1. 2016/2017 Final Budget Monitoring Outturn Report and Annual Return (B Gibbs) Appendix 1  Appendix 2   Appendix 3    Appendix 4    Appendix 5


  1. Treasury Management Strategy (B Gibbs)


  1. Terms of Reference and Standing Orders (J Lynch)   Appendix A


  1. Cockle TECFO licenced fishery management (D Bailey)   Appendix C


(i)            Stock surveys

(ii)           Fishery Management

(iii)          TAC for 2016 fishery

(iv)         Commencement date

(v)          Areas to be fished

(vi)         Issue of Licences

(vii)        Closure of Beds

(viii)       Issues Management


  1. Permitted Cockle Fishery Management (D Bailey)


  1. Brexit and the implications for IFCAs (W Wright)   Appendix 1


  1. Thornback Ray – SUMARiS project (W Wright)


  1. Native Oyster Flexible Permit Byelaw update (W Wright)  Appendix 1  Appendix 2  Appendix 3


  1. Whelk Management update (W Wright)  Appendix 1  Appendix 2   Appendix 3


  1. Health & Safety update (D Bailey)


  1. Approval of the Annual Plan 2017/18 (D Bailey)



Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (TC)       C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (HH)

C3 – Vessel report, Essex (CoL)                    C4 – Vessel Report, Kent (BH)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                      C6 – Enforcement report (AP/DB)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act”


1.   FPV Nerissa update (E1)

2.   Staff Matter (E2)




NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Monday 23 January 2017 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


A1.  Declaration of Members’ interests

A2.  Minutes of 29 November 2016


B1.  Budget monitoring 2016/17 (B Gibbs)    Appendix 1

B2.  Draft budget 2017/18 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3

B3.  Standing Orders and Terms of Reference (J Lynch)  Appendix 1  Annex

B4.  Margate and Long Sands SCI Bottom-Towed Gear Byelaw (D Bailey/W Wright)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2

B5.  Whelk Permit byelaw and management (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2

B6.  Draft Annual Plan (D Bailey)  Appendix 1

B7.  KEIFCA Native Oyster Permit byelaw (D Bailey/W Wright)

B8.  Bass legislation for 2017 (D Bailey)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (TC)       C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (GG)

C3 – Vessel report (CoL/BH)                          C4 – Sea Angling report (DD)

C5 – Enforcement report (AP/DB)


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act


E1.  FPV Nerissa update


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Manor Suite, Best Western Manor Hotel, Hever Court Road, Singlewell, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 5UQ on Tuesday 29 November 2016 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests
  2. Minutes of 12 September 2016


  1. Budget monitoring 2016/17 (B Gibbs)   Appendix 1
  2. 2016 Cockle Fishery Management (J Heywood)
  3. Marine Protected Areas update (J Heywood)
  4. Whelk management (J Heywood)
  5. Proposed EU Bass management measures and update on bass research and future research opportunities (W Wright) to include presentation by Victoria Bendall (Cefas)
  6. Thornback Ray management update (W Wright)
  7. Annual Report 2015/2016 (D Bailey)
  8. Dates for future meetings (D O’Shea)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (RW)     C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (GG)

C3 – Vessel report (CoL)                                 C4 – Communications (CoL)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                      C6 – Enforcement report (AP/DB)





That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act



Exempt minutes of 12 September 2016


E1      Update on FPV Nerissa (W Wright)


Members will reconvene at noon or on the rising of the previous meeting, whichever is later, in order to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



  1. Management Measures Margate and Long Sands SCI (W Wright)    Appendix 1      Appendix 2

Presentations to the Authority:

  • MMO
  • NE
  • Marine Conservation Society
  • NFFO/ Local Fishermen’s Associations

Comments/ statements from the floor

Discussion of options/presentations

Voting on recommendation




NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Monday 12 September 2016 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public


  1. Minutes of 20 May 2016
  2. Declaration of Members’ interests


  1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2016-2017 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1
  2. Essex Estuaries SAC byelaw (D Bailey)   Appendix A    Appendix B    Appendix C
  3. Cockle Fishery update (J Heywood)
  4. Science, Management and Enforcement of Bass (W Wright) to include a presentation by KEIFCA and Cefas
  5. Management of Thornback Rays (W Wright)
  6. Marine Protected Areas update (J Heywood)
  7. Strategic Evidence Plan (J Heywood)  Appendix 1
  8. River Medway Nursery Area – Memoranda of Understanding (T Clegg)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2
  9. Annual Report 15/16 (D Bailey)  Draft Annual Report



Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (AP)      C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (GG)

C3 – Patrol vessels (CoL & BH)                   C4 – Sea Angling report (DD)

C5 – Communication update (CoL)           C6 – Enforcement report (DB)

C7 – Health & Safety update (DB)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act


E1           Update on FPV Nerissa (W Wright)








NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at The Council Chamber, Gravesham Council Offices, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1DD on Friday 20 May 2016 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
  2. Minutes of 22 January 2016
  3. Declaration of Members’ interests
  4. Standing Orders and Voting Procedures (P Sass)


  1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2015-2016 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3     Appendix 4  Appendix 5
  2. Treasury Management Strategy (B Gibbs)
  3. Draft Internal and External Audit Plan 2016-2017 (F Chivers, Internal Audit)
  4. Cockle Fishery (TECFO licenced fishery management) (J Heywood)

(i)            Stock surveys

(ii)           Fishery Management

(iii)          TAC for 2016 fishery

(iv)         Commencement date

(v)          Areas to be fished

(vi)         Issue of Licences

(vii)        Closure of Beds

(viii)       Issues Management

  1. Permitted Cockle Fishery Management (outside area) (J Heywood)
  2. Bass update (W Wright)

Address by Mr Ken Green on concerns with regard to the Inshore Fishermen of the U.K. and locally.

  1. Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne MCZ (J Heywood)  Appendix A
  2. MPA update (J Heywood)
  3. Essex Estuaries SAC update (W Wright)  Appendix A    Appendix B
  4. Medway Nursery Area (W Wright/T Clegg)
  5. Health & Safety annual review (D Bailey)
  6. Annual Plan 16/17 (D Bailey)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (AP)      C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 – Kent patrol vessel (BH)                         C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’ (CoL)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                     C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – Enforcement report (DB)


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 1,2 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


E1           Update on FPV Nerissa (W Wright)




NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Marconi Room, Chelmsford Borough Council, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 22 January 2016 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests
  2. Minutes of 24 November 2015


  1. Budget monitoring 2015/16 (B Gibbs)   Appendix 1
  2. Draft budget 2016/17 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1    Appendix 2    Appendix 3
  3. Review of Whelk Permit byelaw ( J Heywood)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3   Comment 1   Comment 2   Comment 3   Supplementary whelk paper
  4. Marine Protected Areas update ( J Heywood)
  5. Bass legislation for 2016 (D Bailey)
  6. KEIFCA Strategic Evidence Plan (J Heywood)  Plan
  7. Draft Annual Plan ( D Bailey)  Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 — Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)   C2 Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 –   Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (BH)                    C4- Vessel ‘Tamesis’       (CoL)

C5–   Sea Angling report (DD)                      C6 –Communication update (CoL)

C7     Enforcement report (DB)


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act”


E1. FPV Nerissa update (E1)

E2.  External Audit (E2)


Members will reconvene at noon or on the rising of the previous meeting, whichever is later, in order to transact the following business:


  1. Essex Estuaries SAC (W Wright/D Bailey)







NOTICE is hereby given that a TECHNICAL PANEL meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Thursday 7 January 2016 commencing at 11.00am to transact the following business:



During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


To review management measures specified under the technical specifications for the KEIFCA whelk permit byelaw with the aim of making recommendations on future management to KEIFCA.

Click here for meeting papers




NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1AU on Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests
  2. Minutes of 4 September and 6 November 2015


  1. Budget monitoring 2015/16 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1
  2. External Audit 2015/16 (B Gibbs)
  3. Cockle Fishery Management (J Heywood)
  4. Marine Protected Areas update – Essex Estuaries SAC (W Wright) + presentation  Appendix 1
  5. Revised Common Fisheries Policy report (W Wright)

CFP update presentation (MMO – Katie Hill)

  1. Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne MCZ update (evidence/ research strategy – update)(J Heywood)
  2. Volunteer Policy (D O’Shea)  Appendix 1
  3. Dates for future meetings (D O’Shea)
  4. Whelks three year review (W Wright)
  5. Draft Revised IFCA Performance Framework (W Wright)  Appendix 1
  6. Annual Report 2014/2015 (D Bailey)
  7. Crisis management plan update (D Bailey)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 — Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)   C2 Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 –   Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (BH)                    C4- Vessel ‘Tamesis’       (CoL)

C5–   Sea Angling report (DD)                      C6 –Communication update (CoL)

C7     Enforcement report (DB)




NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinary meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Guildhall Chamber at Rochester Guildhall Museum, High Street, Rochester, Kent. ME1 1PY on Friday 6 November 2015 at 10.30am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests


  1. River Medway Nursery Area (Prohibition of Fishing) Byelaw (D Bailey)  Byelaw    Regulatory Notice 1    Regulatory Notice 2   Impact Assessment

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1DD on Friday 4 September 2015 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



  1. Minutes of 19 May 2015


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests




  1. Budget monitoring 2015/16 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1


  1. External Audit 2015/16 update (B Gibbs)


  1. Bass Management (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2


  1. Minimum size limits for Skates and Rays (W Wright) Appendix 1   Appendix 2


  1. KEIFCA Strategic Evidence Plan (W Wright)


  1. Collaboration and joint working between IFCAs and the MMO (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3 + annex


  1. Cockle Fishery (J Heywood)   Appendix 1


  1. Marine Protected Areas update (J Heywood)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2


  1. FPV Nerissa update (J Wiggins/B Hermitage)


  1. Membership of Technical Panels (W Wright)


  1. Crisis Management Plan (W Wright)


  1. Reservist Policy (D O’Shea)  Appendix 1


  1. Annual Report 2014/2015 (D Bailey)  Draft copy of report




Officer Quarterly Reports:


C 1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)   C 2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (BH)                     C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’     (CoL)

C5 – Sea Angling report (DD)                       C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – Enforcement report (DB)


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the The Council Chamber, Chelmsford Council Offices, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 19 May 2015 at 11am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)




  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman


  1. Minutes of 22 January 2015 and 6 March 2015


  1. Declaration of Members’ interests





  1. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014-2015 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3   Appendix 4


  1. Treasury Management Strategy (B Gibbs)


  1. Draft Internal and External Audit Plan 2015-2016 (B Gibbs)


  1. Cockle Fishery (TECFO licenced fishery management) (J Heywood)


(i)            Stock surveys

(ii)           Fishery Management

(iii)          TAC for 2015 fishery

(iv)         Commencement date

(v)          Areas to be fished

(vi)         Issue of Licences

(vii)        Closure of Beds

(viii)       Issues Management



  1. Permitted Cockle Fishery Management (outside area) (D Bailey)


  1. Blackwater/Crouch MCZ Oyster management measures and River Roach Order (D Bailey)


  1. Bass update (W Wright) Appendix 1  Appendix 2  Appendix 3   Appendix 4


  1. Hythe Bay update (W Wright)


  1. Marine Protected Areas Update (J Heywood)


  1. Report into IFCA conduct and operation (D Bailey) + presentation  Report


  1. Sale of Ken Green and new vessel update (D Bailey)


  1. Terms and conditions of employment (D O’Shea)  Appendix 1


  1. Annual Plan 15/16 (D Bailey)






Officer Quarterly Reports:


C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (DD)      C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (BH)                      C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’     (MD)

C5 – Sea Angling report (AS)                     C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – Enforcement report (DB)





NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinary meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the  Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Friday 6 March 2015 at 2pm to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.      Declaration of Members’ interests


1.      Bottom Towed Fishing Gear (Prohibited Areas) Byelaw (D Bailey)    Impact Assessment   Appendix 1

2.     Health & Safety Policy (D O’Shea)   Appendix 1



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Thursday 22 January 2015 at 10.00am to transact the following business: 



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



1.  Declaration of Members’ interests

2. Minutes of 21 November 2014



1.  Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1

2.  Draft Budget 2015/16 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2

3.  Hythe Bay and Folkestone Pomerania Byelaws (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2   Appendix 3

4.  Sea Bass Management (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 1a   Appendix 2  Appendix 2a

5.  Blackwater/Crouch MCZ management measures and River Roach Order (J Wiggins)

6.  Sale of FPV Ken Green (D Bailey)

7.  New patrol vessel – build update (J Wiggins)

8.  Naming of patrol vessel (D Bailey)

9.  An update on the KEIFCA whelk fishery and an initial assessment of its current management measures.(W Wright)   Appendix 1

10.  Draft Annual Plan (D Bailey)   Appendix 1


 Officer Quarterly Reports:            

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)

C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (DD)

C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’ (MD)

C5 – Sea Angling report (AS)

C6 – Communication update (CoL)                  

C7 – Enforcement report (DB)

C8 – Crouch Harbour Authority minutes and   Chairman’s report



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the The Council Chamber, Chelmsford Council Offices, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 21 November 2014 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



1. Declaration of Members’ interests

2. Minutes of 4 September 2014 and 29 September 2014



1. Budget monitoring 2014/15 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1

2. Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)

3. Marine Protected Areas – to include an update on the meeting of the MPA working group on 4 November 2014 (W Wright) (Presentation) Appendix 1        Appendix 2

4. Bass management (Presentation by Steve Colclough Institute of Fisheries Managers)

5. Native Oyster Restoration and Management, Blackwater, Crouch MCZ (J Wiggins)

6. Thames Estuary Workshop (W Wright)  Appendix 1

7. Annual Report (D Bailey)

8. Dates for future meetings (D O’Shea)



Officer Quarterly Reports:

C 1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)

C 2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report  (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (AK)

C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’     (MD)

C5 – Sea Angling report (AS)

C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – Enforcement report (DB)


NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinary meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Belmont Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, Aveley, Thurrock, Essex. RM19 1YN on Monday 29 September 2014 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public) 


1. Declaration of Members’ interests 


1.  Cockle Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw  (D Bailey)   Appendix A      Appendix B       Appendix C

2.  Cockle Fishery Gear Type Emergency Byelaw  (D Bailey) Appendix A   Appendix B (NE) Appendix B (Cefas) Appendix B (MCA)  Appendix C   Appendix D



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Robinson Room, Whitstable Castle, Tower Hill, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 2BW on Thursday 4 September 2014 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)




 1. Minutes of 20 May 2014 and 15 August 2014

2. Declaration of Members’ interests




1. Budget monitoring 2014/15 (B Gibbs)     Appendix 1

2. Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)    Appendix 1

3. Cockle Fishery byelaw (D Bailey)  Appendix A   Appendix B    Appendix C

4. Update on Bass management (W Wright)   Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3

5. Marine Protected Areas – to include an update on the meeting of the MPA working group on 25 July 2014 (W Wright)  Appendix 1

6. Fishing in the Thames (W Wright)

7. Draft Compliance and Enforcement Strategy (D Bailey)   Appendix 1

8. Smoothhound stocks (W Wright)  Appendix 1

9. LGPS Pension Policy Statement (D O’Shea)   Appendix A

10. Annual Report 2013/2014 (D Bailey)   Draft  Annual Report



Officer Quarterly Reports:         

 C 1 - Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)

C 2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report  (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (DD)

C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’         (MD)

C5 – Sea Angling report (AS)

C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – Update on Kent replacement vessel (JW)

C8 – Enforcement report (DB)

C9 – DP World/London Gateway Newsletter

C10 – Crouch Harbour Authority minutes




NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinary meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at the Belmont Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, Aveley, Thurrock, Essex. RM19 1YN on Friday 15 August 2014 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



1.   Declaration of Members’ interests


1.  Cockle Fishery Biosecurity Emergency Byelaw (D Bailey)  Appendix A    Appendix B    Appendix C

2.  Outside Area Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)

3.  Cockle Flexible Permitting Byelaw (D Bailey)


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held at

The Council Chamber, Chelmsford Council Offices, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Tuesday 20th May 2014 at 10.00am

to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



1. Minutes of 24 January 2014

2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

3. Declaration of Members’ interests



1.  Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013-2014 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1   Appendix 2    Appendix 3      Appendix 4

2. Treasury Management Strategy (B Gibbs)

3. Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)

(i)                   Stock surveys

(ii)                  Fishery Management

(iii)                 TAC for 2014 fishery

(iv)                 Commencement date

(v)                  Areas to be fished

(vi)                 Issue of Permits

(vii)                Closure of Beds

(viii)               Issues Management

4. Cockle permit byelaw (D Bailey/J Wiggins) & presentation  Appendix 1

5. Common Fisheries Policy reform (D Bailey)  Appendix 1

6. Fishing in the Thames (W Wright)

7. KEIFCA Sustainability & Species Review Workshop summary (W Wright)

8. Developing Management for Marine Protected Areas ( W Wright)

9. Call for evidence on the conduct and performance of IFCAs  – verbal report (Richard Inman)

10. Informing the Future  – Annual Report (E Lyons)

11. Blackwater/Crouch MCZ management measures and River Roach Order (J Wiggins)

12. Enforcement Code of Conduct (D Bailey) Appendix 1

13.  Harwich Fishermen’s Association Inspections (D Bailey)

14. Annual Plan 14/15 (W Wright)



Officer Quarterly Reports: 

C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)       C2 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (DD)                        C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’         (MD)

C5 – Sea Angling report (AS)                       C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – Update on new vessel build (oral report JW)

C8 – DP World/London Gateway Newsletter

C9 – Crouch Harbour Authority minutes and Chairman’s report


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY was held at

The Council Chamber, Chelmsford Council Offices, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 1JE on Friday 24 January 2014 at 10.00am

to transact the following business:




(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)




1.            Minutes of 22 November 2013 and 13 December 2013

2.            Declaration of Members’ interests




1.            Revenue Budget Monitoring 2013/14 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1


2.            Draft Budget 2014/15 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1   Appendix 2


3.            Draft Audit plan (B Gibbs)


4.            Whelk Permit Byelaw (W Wright)   Appendix 1    Appendix 2


5.            Outside Area – cockle permit byelaw (J Wiggins)  Appendix A


Presentation on the launch of Sea Angling 2012 – Keiron Hyder, Cefas


6.            Hythe Bay rMCZ (W Wright –verbal report)


7.            New River Roach Oyster Fishery Order and Blackwater/Crouch oyster fishery management (J Wiggins)   Appendix A 


8.            Education report (B Hermitage & presentation)


9.            Draft Annual Plan (D Bailey)  draft annual plan


10.          Dates for future meeting (D Lee)




Officer Quarterly Reports:


C1 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)      C2 - Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)

C3 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (DD)                      C4 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’      (MD)

C5 – Sea Angling report (AS)                        C6 – Communication update (CoL)

C7 – DP World/London Gateway Newsletter C8 – Crouch Harbour Authority minutes and  Chairman’s report


NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinary meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will

be held at meeting room CS1, Gravesham Borough Council, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Friday 13 December

2013 at 10.30am to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)



A1.       Declaration of Members’ interests



B1.       Making a new European Marine Site Byelaw ( W Wright) Appendix A    Appendix B


NOTICEis hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held                  at the Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Friday 22 November               2013 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)




A1.            Minutes of 5 September 2013

A2.            Declaration of Members’ interests


B1.            Budget monitoring 2013/14   Appendix 1    Appendix 2  (B Gibbs)


B2.            Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)


B3.            European Marine Sites  (D Bailey/W Wright)


B4.            Proposed Working Group for Marine Protected Areas (W Wright)


Presentation on Common Fishery Policy reform – Mr B Smart


B5.            Replacement vessel (J Wiggins)  Appendix A  Appendix A cont to include presentation by Blyth Boatyard (10 min presentation,

5 min Q & A)


B6.            Annual Report (W Wright)




Officer Quarterly Reports:


C1 – Chief Officer Quarterly Report (WW)             C2 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)

C3 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report (AS)               C4 - Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (DD)

C5 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’ (MD)                               C6 – Sea Angling report (AS)

C7 – Communication update (CoL)                      C8 – River Roach and Native Oyster

C9 – DP World/London Gateway                                    Management (JW)




That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on       the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 1,2 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.




E1           Replacement vessel – additional costs (J Wiggins)



NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY was held at Horsebridge Arts and Community Centre, Whitstable, Kent, on Thursday 5 September 2013to transact the following business:



(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


  1.              A.        AUTHORITY BUSINESS  

    A1         Minutes of 14 May 2013

A2.          Declaration of Members’ interests


  1.      B.           MATTERS FOR DECISION
  2. 1.   Budget monitoring 2013/14 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1
  3.         2. Cockle Fishery (D Bailey) (to include opening of outside area) Appendix 1
  4.       3.   European Marine Sites – update on progress of byelaws & report of Technical Panel meetings, including presentation    (D Bailey) Appendix 1Appendix 1 (cont)Appendix 2Appendix 2 (cont)Appendix 3Appendix 3 (cont)Appendix 3 (cont)Appendix 4,  Appendix 4 (cont)Appendix 4 (cont)Appendix 4 (cont)
  5.           4. Seabass response  + appendices (W Wright)
  6. 5.   Progress with renewal of River Roach Order and Blackwater/Crouch management measures (J Wiggins) Appendix A + B  Appendix C 
  7. 6.  Rescheduling of the byelaw review workshop (W Wright)
  8. 7. Annual Report (W Wright)   Report


            C.            FOR INFORMATION/NOTING

Officer Quarterly Reports: 

C 1 -Chief Officer Quarterly Report (WW)  C 2 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)

C3 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report  (AS)    C4 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (AK)

C5 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’ (MD)                      C6 – Windfarm report (CoL)

C7 – Sea Angling report (AS)                   C8 – Communication update (CoL)

C9 – Angling Strategy report (AS)            C10 – Update on Kent replacement vessel – verbal (AK)

C11 – Informing the Future report (EL)



That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 1,2 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act 



E1  Staff structure (DL)


NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY will be held in the Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.   Minutes of 18 January 2013

2.   Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

3.   Declaration of Members’ interests

4.   Representation on Crouch Harbour Advisory Committee (W Wright)


1.  Statement of Accounts 2012/13 (B Gibbs)  Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 (will be available after 14/05/13)  Appendix 4

2.  Treasury & Investment Policy (B Gibbs)

3.  Review of UK and EU cockle mortality events (W Wright)  Appendix A

4.  Cockle Fishery (D Bailey) Appendix A

Stock surveys

Fishery Management

TAC for 2013 fishery

Commencement date

Areas to be fished

Issue of Permits

Closure of Beds

Issues Management

5.  European Marine Sites – update on progress of byelaws (D Bailey)

6.  Progress with renewal of River Roach Order and Blackwater/Crouch management measures to include opening of Native oyster beds (J Wiggins)

Presentation by Cefas on crab & lobster stock assessments

7.  Update on Kent replacement vessel (A Kennedy/J Wiggins) Appendix A Appendix B

8.  Presentation on Informing the Future project (E Lyons)

9.  Byelaw review (W Wright)

10. Annual Plan (W Wright)

11. Southend Foreshore oysters (J Wiggins) Appendix A


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 -Chief Officer Quarterly Report (JW)                   C2 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report (EL)

C3 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report(AS)                    C4 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’ (AK)

C5 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’ (MD)                                    C6 – Windfarm report (CoL)

C7 – Sea Angling report (AS)                                 C8 – Staff update (DL)

C9 – Communication update (CoL)


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


E1  Vessel Size and Power Byelaw – update (J Wiggins)

E2  Issue of Cockle Licences, additional Cockle Licences and Fees (technical panel meeting results) (J Wiggins)


A meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY was held in the Garden Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, Aveley, Thurrock, Essex. RM19 1YN on Friday 18 January 2013 at 10.00am to transact the following business:


(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)


1.  Minutes of 20 November 2012

2.  Declaration of Members’ interests


1.  Whelk Byelaw (J Wiggins)  Appendix A Appendix B

2.  Budget Monitoring 2012/13 (B Gibbs)   Appendix A

3.  Proposed Audit Plan 2013/14 (B Gibbs)

4.  Budget 2013/14 (B Gibbs)   Appendix AAppendix BAppendix C

5.  Draft Annual Plan (W Wright)  Appendix A

Presentation by CEFAS

6.  Progress with renewal of River Roach Order and Blackwater/Crouch management measures (J Wiggins)  Appendix A

7.  Southend Foreshore Oysters (J Wiggins)  Appendix A

8.  Byelaw review – oral report (W Wright)

9.  European Marine Sites – Change of Approach (J Wiggins)

10.  Defra consultation on first tranche Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) announcement (J Wiggins)  Appendix AAppendix B

11.  Angling Strategy proposal (A Senechal)   Appendix A

12.  Meeting dates 2013/2014 (D Lee)


    Officer Quarterly Reports

C1 – Chief Officer Quarterly Report

C2 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report

C3 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report

C4 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’

C5 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’

C6 – Windfarm report

C7 – Sea Angling 2012 report

C8 – Staff update


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 12 and 14 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


E1   Whelk Byelaw – legal advice (J Wiggins)

E2   Vessel Size and Power Byelaw (J Wiggins)


A meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY was held in Room 4, Newton House, Kent Science Park, Winch Road, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME9 8AG on Tuesday 20 November 2012 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



     1.  Minutes of 6 September 2012

2. Declaration of Members’ interests


1. Budget Monitoring 2012/13 (B Gibbs) Appendix 1

2. Localism Act 2011 ( P Sass) Appendix 1  Appendix 2

3. Emergency whelk Byelaw (W Wright)

     4Long Term Whelk Stock Management (W Wright) Appendix A  Appendix B  Appendix C

5. Herring Fishery Opening (J Wiggins)

6. European Marine Site – Change of Approach (J Wiggins) Appendix A

7. Cockle Fishery Licences – 5 December 2012 (J Wiggins)  Appendix A

8. Review of UK and EU cockle mortality events (W Wright)  Appendix 1  Appendix 2

9. Replacement of Patrol Vessel (J Wiggins)

   10. Progress with renewal of River Roach Order and Blackwater/Crouch management measures (J Wiggins)

11. Informing the Future Project (W Wright)

12. Draft Species Management Plan (D Bailey) –this item will include a short presentation on the plan  Appendix A

13. Thornback Ray Fishery (J Wiggins)

14. D.vex project (B Hermitage)

15  Cockle Fishery Management ( D Bailey)


C1 Communication Strategy (oral report – C O’Laoi & W Wright)

C2 Chief Officer Quarterly Report       Appendix A

C3 Fishery Officer, Kent Report

    C4 Fishery Officer, Essex Report

C5 Vessel ‘Ken Green’

C6 Vessel ‘Tamesis’

C7 Windfarm Report

C8 Sea Angling 2012 Report (A Senechal) 


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.  


E1    Staff Matters


A meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY was held in The Council Chamber, Thurrock Borough Council Offices, Civic Offices, New Road, Thurrock, Essex, RM17 6SL on Thursday, 6 September 2012 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



1. Minutes of 25 May 2012

2. Declaration of Members’ interests


1. Budget Monitoring 2012/13 (B Gibbs)  Appendix A

2. Emergency whelk Byelaw (W Wright)

3. Long Term Whelk Stock Management (W Wright)  Appendix 1   Appendix 2

     Presentation by Lisa Jenner on MCZs

4. Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)

5. Cockle Fishery Licences (J Wiggins)

6. Issue of Cross Warrants to Environment Agency Officers (J Wiggins)

7. Progress of Oyster Management Measures and River Roach Order (J Wiggins)  Appendix A    Appendix B

8. Fisheries Management within European Marine Sites (Defra) (J Wiggins)  Appendix A

9. Annual Report (W Wright) Draft Annual Report

    Presentation by W Wright on implementing KEIFCA Long Term Strategy

10. Local Government Pension Scheme internal dispute resolution procedure – change of specified person (J Taylor)

11. Informing the Future Project (W Wright)

12. Research Plan 2012-2013 ( D Bailey)  Draft Research Plan


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 Chief Officer Quarterly Report

C2 Fishery Officer, Kent Report

C3 Fishery Officer, Essex Report

C4 Vessel ‘Ken Green’

C5 Vessel ‘Tamesis’

C6 Windfarm report

C7 Pacific Oyster Herpes Virus in River Blackwater report

C8 Sea Angling 2012 report


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


E1 Staff Matters

E2 National Insurance – oral report


A meeting of the KENT AND ESSEX INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY was held in The Council Chamber, Gravesham Borough Council Offices, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AU on Friday, 25 May 2012 at 10.00am to transact the following business:



1. Minutes of 16 January 2012

2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

3. Declaration of Members’ interests


1.  Revenue Budget Outturn for 2011/12 (C West) Appendix 1  Appendix 2  Appendix 3  Appendix 4

2. Statement of Accounts 2011/12 (C West) Appendix 1

3. Budget monitoring 2012/13 (C West)

4. Treasury Management Strategy (C West)

    Presentation by IFCA Officer Michael Hayes on GIS

5. Emergency whelk Byelaw (W Wright) Appendix 1

6. Long Term Whelk Stock Management (W Wright) Appendix 1  Appendix 2

7. Cockle Fishery (D Bailey)
(i) Stock surveys
(ii) Fishery Management
(iii) TAC for 2012 fishery
(iv) Commencement date
(v) Areas to be fished
(vi) Issue of Permits
(vii) Closure of Beds
(viii) Issues Management

8. Issue of Cockle Licences and Fees Appendix A

9. Closure of Oyster Beds and Progress of Management Measures (J Wiggins) Appendix A  Appendix B

10. Closure of Herring Fishery (J Wiggins)

11. Letters from Stakeholders (J Wiggins) Appendix A  Appendix B

12. Draft KEIFCA Long Term Strategy  Appendix 1

13. HR Strategy (Draft People Capability Strategy) (W Wright) Appendix 1

14. Draft Enforcement Risk Register (W Wright) Appendix 1

15.  Communication Strategy (W Wright) Appendix 1

16. Annual Plan (J Wiggins) Appendix 1

17. Replacement Patrol Vessel (J Wiggins)

18. MoU with Natural England (J Wiggins) Appendix A

19. Proposed Thames Hub Development ( D Bailey)


Officer Quarterly Reports:

C1 – Chief Officer Annual Report

C2 – Fishery Officer, Kent Report

C3 – Fishery Officer, Essex Report

C4 – Vessel ‘Ken Green’

C5 – Vessel ‘Tamesis’

C6   National Association of IFCAs –  Minutes of meeting held on 19 April 2012

C7   Dates of Technical Panels for 2012-13

C8   Defra and MMO Newsletter ‘Fishing Focus’ Spring 2012


That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


E1 Issue of cockle licences

E2 Staff