01843 585310
In this order lobster means lobster of the species Homarus gammarus The prescribed minimum size for landing of lobsters is 87 mm The prescribed minimum size for sale, exposure or offer for sale, or possession for the purpose of sale of lobsters is 87 mm The prescribed minimum size for carriage of lobsters is 87 mm http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2000/1503/introduction/made
In this order lobster means lobster of the species Homarus gammarus In this order crawfish means crawfish of the species Paliniurus elephas or Palinurus mauritanicus Mutilated means a lobster or crawfish which is mutilated in such a manner as to obscure a V notch The landing of any mutilated lobster or crawfish, or any lobster or crawfish bearing a V notch is prohibited http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2000/874/introduction/made
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Conservation Measures) Order 2000 Lobsters, crawfish, bivalve and gastropod molluscs may only be retained on board whole and landed whole http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/;jsessionid=QKKRTFbSz1rn1h242YZPL2p9B111wKTRfFDsK1spRSVHmHg1H1v9!1365073497?uri=CELEX:31998R0850 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2000/1081/article/1/made
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