01843 585310
Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaw
This byelaw prohibits fishing with vessels over 14 metres in length within the Kent and Essex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation District, as well as prohibiting fishing with towed fishing gear (such as trawls and dredges) from vessels with an engine power exceeding 221 kilowatts, and in the case of derated inboard engines, with an engine power exceeding 243 kilowatts before being derated.
The byelaw provides exemptions on a two-year basis for vessels which do not meet the requirements of the byelaw provided that the owner can provide evidence that the vessel was in use prior to this byelaw being implemented; any use is greater than 100 hours in each two year period; the length or engine power of the vessel has not changed; and that the ownership of the vessel has not changed.
The byelaw also provides transitional arrangements for a period of two years where vessel builds have already commenced prior to the byelaw being implemented which would exceed the limitations provided by the prohibitions.
This byelaw is intended to reduce the fishing effort capability which the use of larger vessels enables, as well as minimise the impact of bottom towed gear by limiting the total engine power of a vessel to restrict the weight and size of gear which can be used by fishing vessels
For a copy of the byelaw, click here
Whelk Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw
The purpose of this byelaw is to provide protection against over exploitation of whelk stocks within the Authority's district by prohibiting the setting of whelk pots without a permit and restricting the number of whelk pots that may be set.
It also introduces a requirement to riddle the whelks which are caught to ensure that small whelks are returned to the seabed and specifies a minimum landing size of 53mm shell length with a 5% undersize tolerance
The flexible permit conditions of this byelaw will be reviewed by KIFCA at least every 3 years
This byelaw replaces the Whelk Fishery Permit Byelaw
For a copy of the full byelaw click here
This byelaw prohibits the removal from the fishery, retention on board, transhipping, landing, transporting, storing, selling, displaying or offering for sale specified marine organisms below specified sizes. The byelaw also prohibits the retention on board or landing of crustaceans unless they are whole.
The prohibitions are split into two schedules. Schedule 1a applies to all persons, irrespective of whether they are a commercial operator or a recreational operator. These are the species which are not subject to the landing obligation and have a minimum landing size specific to the Kent and Essex IFC District. Schedule 1b applies to all persons but contains a provision which exempts vessels fishing under a commercial fishing vessel licence issued by the Marine Management Organisation or a devolved administration, as these vessels are required to comply with landing obligations and Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes for these are provided for in UK legislation.
The byelaw includes method of measurement according to the anatomy of the named species.
The byelaw contains provisions for the retention of live mackerel or mackerel named fish species below the minimum size that may be used as live bait when fishing for predatory fish species.
The byelaw contains provisions for retaining 10% undersize catch in relation to sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel or mackerel.
For a full copy of the Byelaw click here
The Byelaw will provide the Authority with the ability to balance the needs of persons harvesting cockles with the requirements to secure a sustainable marine eco-system and local socio-economic environment. The Byelaw will introduce flexibility in the way that the Authority manages effort directed towards the cockle fishery and support the development of a sustainable fishery. All persons will be limited in the technical specifications of gear that can be used, the areas and times which can be worked and a daily catch limit of cockles. The flexible permit conditions will be reviewed when necessary on the basis of best available evidence and within a time period not exceeding three years.
For a full copy of the byelaw please click here
This emergency byelaw has now expired and been replaced with the Whelk Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw 2020
This byelaw prohibits fishing with vessels over 14 metres in length within the Kent and Essex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation District, as well as prohibiting fishing with towed fishing gear (such as trawls and dredges) from vessels with an engine power exceeding 221 kilowatts, and in the case of derated inboard engines, with an engine power exceeding 243 kilowatts before being derated.
The byelaw provides exemptions on a two-year basis for vessels which do not meet the requirements of the byelaw provided that the owner can provide evidence that the vessel was in use prior to this byelaw being implemented; any use is greater than 100 hours in each two year period; the length or engine power of the vessel has not changed; and that the ownership of the vessel has not changed.
The byelaw also provides transitional arrangements for a period of two years where vessel builds have already commenced prior to the byelaw being implemented which would exceed the limitations provided by the prohibitions.
This byelaw is intended to reduce the fishing effort capability which the use of larger vessels enables, as well as minimise the impact of bottom towed gear by limiting the total engine power of a vessel to restrict the weight and size of gear which can be used by fishing vessels
For a copy of the byelaw, click here
The purpose of this byelaw is to provide protection against over exploitation of whelk stocks within the Authority's district by prohibiting the setting of whelk pots without a permit and restricting the number of whelk pots that may be set.
It also introduces a requirement to riddle the whelks which are caught to ensure that small whelks are returned to the seabed and specifies a minimum landing size of 53mm shell length with a 5% undersize tolerance
The flexible permit conditions of this byelaw will be reviewed by KIFCA at least every 3 years
This byelaw replaces the Whelk Fishery Permit Byelaw
For a copy of the full byelaw click here
This Byelaw prohibits the use of bottom towed fishing gear in specified areas to protect the designated features of those areas and therefore prevent damage to or deterioration of those sites. The prohibited areas within this byelaw are Thanet Coast SAC, Essex Estuaries SAC, Folkestone Pomerania MCZ, Pan Sand Hole, Knob Channel and East Margate Sands as defined in the Schedule of the Byelaw.
To download a copy of the byelaw click here
The Byelaw prohibits the taking of, and carriage of, sea fisheries resources in the restricted area defined in the byelaw. The prohibition against carrying sea fisheries resources in the restricted area does not apply to any person on a vessel carrying sea fisheries resources from outside the area directly to the marinas and permanent moorings north of Hoo Island. The Byelaw will protect fish populations using the River Medway as a nursery area and will in addition offer protection to the Marine Protected Area (MPA) designations of the site including Special Protected Areas (SPA) and Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) features.
Download the Byelaw here for full details
This Byelaw prohibits the use of all types of bottom trawl in specified areas of the Essex Estuaries SAC to protect the designated features of those areas and therefore prevent damage to or deterioration of the site. Download the Byelaw here for full details
This Byelaw provides the Authority with the ability to balance the requirements of the designated features of the Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne Estuaries Marine Conservation Zone with the needs of persons harvesting native oysters within the same area to secure a sustainable marine eco-system and local socio-economic environment. The Byelaw introduces flexibility in the way that the Authority manages effort directed towards the native oyster fishery within the Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne Estuaries Marine Conservation Zone. All persons will be limited in the technical specifications of the vessel and gear that can be used, the areas and times which can be worked and a daily catch limit of native oysters. The flexible permit conditions will be reviewed when necessary on the basis of best available evidence and within a time period not exceeding three years.
Download the Byelaw here for full details
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