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Fish for Cockles

Cockle Permit Fishery

Kent & Essex IFCA made a Cockle Fishery Flexible Permit Byelaw on10 February 2015 which replaced the Emergency Byelaw and the other six cockle byelaws currently in operation within the KEIFCA district. In accordance with this byelaw anyone wishing to fish for cockles within the Kent and Essex district must be in possession of a valid cockle permit, or be a named representative of a permit holder.

Permit application forms are obtainable from the Authority's Head Office at Paragon House, Albert Street, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9HD; telephone 01843 585310 or can be downloaded from the website.

For a permit application form click here and for a nominated person consent form click here. Completed application forms should be returned to the Authority's Head Office by 31st March with the payment specified in the byelaw and copies of supporting documentation i.e. the Fishing Vessel registration document, MMO Fishing Licence and personal photographic identification (e.g. driving licence).

Thames Estuary Cockle Fishery Regulating Order

The Thames Estuary Cockle Fishery Order 2024 (T24) which Kent & Essex IFCA will use to manage the cockle fishery for the next 28 years has now come into force. Under the Order, a licence is required to fish for cockles within the Fishery and it is an offence to fish for cockles within the area of the Fishery without a licence. For licensing purposes, it is split into four 7-year licencing cycles. Licences are renewed and issued annually, to the same licence holders, from year 1 to year 7 in each cycle. At their meeting on 17 September 2024, Members of the Kent & Essex IFCA authorised the issuing of 15 licences for the first 7-year cycle which begins in 2025.

The application process for the fishery from 2025 to 2031 is now closed.