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Permitted mesh size range 16mm-31mm. Maximum beam trawl length 24metres. Must have at least 60 % target species. Target species:-  Common Shrimps(crangon spp) or Aesop shrimp Pandaius montagui) The Shrimp Fishing Nets Order 2002 These requirements do not apply to boats towing nets with aggregate beam width of 8 meters or less or net headline of 8 metres or less. These requirements also do not apply if the catch consists of less than 60% shrimps and the retention of fish is permitted under 850/98 No British fishing vessel shall carry or deploy a net, whose mesh measures between 16 and 31 mm unless a separator of mesh size at least twice that of the codend and no more than 70mm is fitted across the entire cross-section of the net in such a way that fish must pass through it to reach the codend and that there is a hole in the net through which all fish that do not pass through the netting are able to escape. Or A rigid grid with spacing of no more than 20mm is fitted across the entire cross section of the net fitted in such a way that fish must pass through it to reach the codend and that there is a hole for fish to escape Sieve netting Sieve netting shall be attached inside the trawl in front of the codend and shall not extend into the codend by more than one-third of the length of the codend. Up to two pieces of sieve netting may be used at the same time provided these are attached to the upper half and lower half of the trawl respectively and do not overlap