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Sole / Bass


General fishing gear rules

All mesh sizes given are minimum sizes.  You can choose to use a larger mesh than that stated.

  • 8mm maximum for single twine cod-ends. (Further single twine restrictions apply in Farne Deeps (5mm))
  • 5mm maximum for double twine thickness 
  • UK non-beam trawls operating in IVb and IVc north of 53°N using multi-rig cod-ends must be of ≥95mm.
  • Square mesh panel must be fully fitted within 12m of cod-line for cod-ends between 80 to 119mm.
  • The baseline mesh size in this area is now a 120mm cod-end and this must be used where catches exceed 20% of cod haddock and saithe combined.
  •  If you have a landed catch of less than 20% of cod, haddock and saithe combined, then you may use a mesh size below 120mm as specified in the table below 
  • North Sea prohibition on demersal towed nets of mesh size range 70 to 79mm in area IV
Fishery Gear  (s) ICES area Conditions
Plaice and Sole and non-TAC species

All demersal trawls IVb 100mm cod-end and 90mm square mesh panel
Mixed demersal fishery including Skates and Rays, and non-TAC species

All demersal trawls IVc 80mm cod-end, 90mm square mesh panel and 140mm headline panel.
Sole (minimum 40% sole)

All demersal trawls IVc 80mm cod-end and 80mm square mesh panel


All demersal trawls targeting squid IV The removal of the squid mesh size derogation means that squid can only be targeted with at least 80mm trawls OR larger mesh sizes as required under existing regional technical measures.

Bass fishing guidance 2024

Commercial Bass fishing:

For information on bass regulations for 2024 go to Bass Fishing Guidance 2024- GOV.UK (