01843 585310
27th March 2014
A Marine Conservation Zone is proposed for the area as defined in the attached chart. The main fisheries related conservation features for this area include Native Oysters and Native Oyster Beds for which improved data certainty is required
In addition many oyster-fishermen are supporting a proposal to improve sustainable management of oyster stocks within this area and KEIFCA intends to review the management of oyster stocks within this area whether it is designated as an MCZ or not.
KEIFCA, with the support of local oyster fishermen, has already acted to protect against over exploitation of native stocks on public grounds by implementing a limited closure on harvesting native oysters, husbandry of grounds and restrictions on oyster fishing activity.
KEIFCA has given some initial consideration to future management of the fishery and is now consulting more widely regarding options:
Options for management include: no change, voluntary measures or legislative measures in the form of byelaws or a Regulating/Hybrid Order.
KEIFCA is keen to consult persons that have interests in the oyster fishery, or whose activities may be affected by future management of this fishery. These persons or other interested parties are invited to complete the questionnaire. This can be done online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KEIFCA01 or by downloading the questionnaire, completing it and returning it to the address provided.
A period of 8 weeks is allocated to receive responses to this questionnaire which gives a closing date of 3 April 2013. It is intended that once all questionnaires have been returned, responses will be collated and a workshop will be held, open to all interested parties, to consider the responses that been received and consider issues that have arisen. Recommendations from this process will be reported to KEIFCA so that a decision can be made as how to proceed.
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