01843 585310
20th April 2015
IFCA Enforcement
We are aware of concerns about a short term reduction in enforcement powers available to Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) officers. The EU 'control' regulation ensures compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy. It includes the use of vessel monitoring systems and electronic recording systems, as well as a range of other control requirements.
The MMO co-ordinates an enforcement programme, which involves monitoring, control and surveillance of sea fishing in British fishery limits around the coast of England and English vessels operating outside those waters.
The Marine Management Organisation and local IFCAs will continue to enforce the Common Fisheries Policy around our coastline. The usual level of enforcement (including enforcing IFCA byelaws etc) and spot checks are being maintained despite a short term reduction in enforcement powers available to Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) officers to enforce certain EU legislation in the spring of 2015. The MMO is warranting a number of IFCA officers with relevant powers, so that they can continue to operate as normal, enforcing EU regulations relating to fisheries and marine conservation as well as their own byelaws.
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