Since February 2017 Kent & Essex IFC" />
01843 585310
20th September 2017
Since February 2017 Kent & Essex IFCA has been meeting with interested parties to seek views on the creation of a native oyster permit byelaw that would manage the native oyster fishery within the Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne Estuaries Marine Conservation Zone.
A consultation document outlining the proposed management options has been developed to be sent to all interested parties. In developing such a consultation document, it is hoped that it will allow people or organisations that have so far not inputted into the permit byelaw making process to have the opportunity to do so. Receiving written replies will also help clearly explain what different stakeholders want from the byelaw helping inform Authority members when they are making decisions. The expectation would be that all replies would be put into a briefing pack for a Technical Panel meeting of the IFCA to be held on 30 October 2017
The consultation provides stakeholders with information on the development of measures to conserve and protect local wild native oyster stocks and the proposals for future management, and asks stakeholders for feedback and information regarding these proposals.
The closing date for this consultation is 19 October 2017. Please send any responses to
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